Well-Known Member
I use a playschool hammer...

alright what the fuck i did not post this.whats going on here.
that sucks bro, watch your ass.so wutr u up 2 MG..fuck me ive had kind of a paronoid day...i hate bringing large supplies in2 my home..im exposed to neibors at all angles.. so 8' panels of wood or rock..i jsut bring right in the front door as quick as possible..instead of popping my grage door which would expose .. it would be like running down the street with my wiener out..to pop my garage fully.. so with that in mind..as im pulling in my street of the main street some dude in a white dodge suv new style with red gov plates tails me down the block ..i back in my drive..and he passes real slow with the suspicious look...or wuz he just a surveyor..hmm...my boy wuz with me to help with my kid and the hardware expedition..he says im trippn and it wuz jsut random and he slowed down cause i backed in. better yet my boys standing at the rear of my truck unloading material..and he looks at me suspiciously, and hes like it fucking stinks right here.
anyways as usual im a little paronoid..
next time i bring clones in..im using uhaul moving boxes..looks better then carrying in 1 pot at a time all shady...
that sucks bro, watch your ass.
not much i can do MG..jsut let time be..all my documentation is in stow..
right on thats wut i wuz thinking .. i had a bad experience a decade back with the mrdtf..and if i remember correctly limey bastards where driving 2 cars with idaho plates...but who know these days..cant c why theyd even be interested in me n e more.
haha ya its gona happen no matter how hard you try, your hearts going to fell like its popping out your chestya for real..i jsut try to ignore people that fit the bill for the 'man' . it always scares me when im gettin taled..but i try not 2 focus on not letting the 'man' make my heart even beat..bastards.protect and serve..ha ha
yea bro.. your just paranoid.. it happens to me sometimes too.. ill think some dumb shit... and get all tweaked out by it... then it passes and im fine... it does suck tho bringing a buncha supplies home.. i hate unloading truck fulls of shit.. like you said, it gets ran in as quick as possible.. hopefully no one sees.. LOL
the intake is nice... should keep your girls REAL happy![]()
so funny how we think alike..dats all i try to do..double round the block c how many neighbors are potentially home..back my truck in..take it right in the front door as quick as possible. shit imagine 30 clones the big ones from my boy..how the fuck im gonnna do that..Good thing i own a Chevy G20 van for tile..heehe that or ill put my camper on my disiel. Ya i think that intake is gonna rock