Well-Known Member
hey slip...never here.. im from norcal..marin co..born at sf general..went to school and lil college out in Marin..which is northbay..but real close to the cities..oakland..berkley..richmond..but also very close to like wine country sonoma..ukiah..mendo..napa valley.. ya i done 2-3 seasons of outdoor.. moved here a decade ago..been back and forth. lived down there 3 years ago for a season.. never did grow out here in MT...i know a few that have.. my boy east of me has a huge outdoor op in his backyard..all legal ofcoars.. these girls are pounder plants like some of the norcal bud u c..but he also vegged them inside under 1000w MH and put them out a 3' they are friggn trees...still in veg right now and human size
Ever go down to wattsonville? I got homeboys there. I need to take a road trip. It fuking great out there...If i wasn't from MT id move anywhere in CA.
Thats what i figure you would want to do here is veg them indoor till at least another week from now, then move them out. Its too cold to get a good start here.