Tim Geithner going after tax cheats?


New Member
I wouldn't know, I don't live there. I'm having a hard enough time trying to sort the lies from the truth here in my own country, I don't have the time to keep up with who's lying to whom elsewhere.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
I see. Well, if you crack a history book, you'll find that America is definately not the worst in the world. Although we are headed in that direction...


New Member
Are you trying to start in argument? I didn't say I've never read history, yes I've read a lot of history books in my day. Way to act like an ass when someone is agreeing with you. :finger:


New Member
Seems ike the slightest thing will set off an arguement these days. Is the world getting more tempestous or just those who subscribe to RIU? I realize that being almost the only liberal on site that anytime I post, I'm sure to get affrontation, but Misshester, come on, she is way too mellow to take up with. Go misshester, go.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
Woah man, I wasn't insulting you nor trying to start an argument. I was just making a comment on our current condition. No ill sentiment intended. My apologies if you took it that way. It's hard to get the tone of a statement over the wire I suppose. No hard feelings i hope.


Well-Known Member
Seems ike the slightest thing will set off an arguement these days. Is the world getting more tempestous or just those who subscribe to RIU? I realize that being almost the only liberal on site that anytime I post, I'm sure to get affrontation, but Misshester, come on, she is way too mellow to take up with. Go misshester, go.
i dont know, ive seen misshess throw down backalley-style in a few threads. shes mellow but takes-no-shit and i love it!

medman- i dig your ghandi quote in your sig:bigjoint:

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
Seems ike the slightest thing will set off an arguement these days. Is the world getting more tempestous or just those who subscribe to RIU? I realize that being almost the only liberal on site that anytime I post, I'm sure to get affrontation, but Misshester, come on, she is way too mellow to take up with. Go misshester, go.
I hear you, for a site dedicated to weed, there is a lot of heated arguments being posted. I guess that the tensions of the world around us are getting so that smoking a bowl isn't the escape that it once was.


New Member
Personally, I love having a tax cheat as the head of the IRS. Should make my next tax audit a lot of fun. :lol:

"Hey Mr. Auditor ... I guess just like your boss, "Turbo Tax didn't prompt me." Oh, and like Charlie Rangle who heads up the Ways and Means Committee ... "I forgot to claim my rental income." Oh, and like Daschle ... "It was an oversight."

Fuck the Democrats and their beloved "progressive" income tax bullshit.

