Time for another "identify the sex of my plant" thread! WOOT!


Active Member
Heya guys, been reading quite a bit but I don't post often. But it has come time my friends. My babies have just passed the six-week mark of the veg cycle and are showing their preflowers. Two I am sure are females, and the third I believe to be male, but I'm not certain. That's where the pro's come in! Of course I had to show a general photo of the closet (I'm a proud father lol). This plants preflowers don't have the pistils protruding from them that my other two plants have, so lemme know what ya' think!



Well-Known Member
to me it looks like in needs some more time to tell.....possibly female ...not really any balls there?


Active Member
Nah, no balls at all. These preflowers just look different from the other plants. More squat and rounded, but even then not what I would call a ball. Maybe it just needs a few more days. Oh, I also noticed that this plant is showing these preflowers at many more nodes than the other plants, lending itself to the idea that males mature quicker.... *shrug*


Well-Known Member
i'm calling it

definately a female

i bet you've had some really nice crops with that kind of positive thinking, lji :blsmoke:

i say male. the tips of the pod are hooked. i'd wait though.
now that is a subtle observation! i'll definitely be interested in the outcome of this now... i was gonna say the preflower on the left looks like it's growing out on a stalk-like thingy, which would make me start thinking it's a male.


Active Member
Thanks fellas. I'm going to give it a few more days to develop before deciding one way or another. I had originally wanted to have a grow journal from day one, including the prep. of the closet but laziness got the best of me. Plus, it seems like these closet grows are a dime-a-dozen so I suppose I didn't think it would make for a great read. I appreciate the help!!