time is a factor need help quick

PO4 my first GRO

Active Member
ive been flowering for a bout 2 weeks now and my prized plant showed me her pistols..my other one which is a dwarf in comparison shows the green vs but no white hairs yet..are the green vs a sign its a fem?..my other one had those first..and if it is a male how long do i have b4 i have to take it out?...i do not want to risk losing my bitch to seeds...after they choose sex how long till pollination? time is a factor.. if she gets pollinated ill flip my lid. If it doesnt show pistols in the next couple days should i trash it?


Well-Known Member
it will get hairs if it's a female and pods if it's a male. the V's are just leaf surs. they don't determine sex. you have at least a week or more to worry about pollination.

PO4 my first GRO

Active Member
Thanks.. they are 2 completely dif strains so i just dint want my lil one to turn male and start jizzing all over my grow room without me knowing... but if they dont make pollen till a couple weeks after they sex ill be fine

PO4 my first GRO

Active Member
just checked i think its showin pistols on top... they arent quite white buy they arent the green leaves they are pointier and smoother..maybe they are clear and look green.. i might be color blind too... hopefully by tonight they will be legit