Time to change my grow environment. - upgrades


Well-Known Member
So I've been talking about gardening. I'm trying to grow competition tomatoes and herbs. Going for the title this year! So anyway, I go to this indoor gardening shop. They have this big signing the door that says 'You are not legal'. ' Do not ask for advice on growing marijuana'. ' it's legal in the state, but illegal federally.' ' We follow the federal laws'. So anyway, the owner was a really nice guy. We spent the whole time talking about gardening. Wink wink! So he sold me a display model, last one in the store Secret Jardin DR40 grow tent for $34 and I got a good deal on supplies to experiment with cloning. Oh yeah, I meant another guy -works for a grow product company, from him a got a 10x50 roll of panda film $40, when I got home and opened the box, it had two rolls in it. That's a shit load of panda film for a newbie. I guess i can maybe do some landscaping with it. Anybody using panda film or the sj DR40. Looking for recommendations on using both. My current setup is done will metal shelving units surrounded by card board covered with those survivor blanket for reflection. Also using 150 & 200 equivalent watts CFLs bulbs. My current setup have done pretty well for my growing. I'm just looking to improve it. I heard that the survivor blankets are that great for light reflection and containment. Your thoughts?


Active Member
Okay so... you have a shit ton of panda film. Are you building a room/dedicating a space for your new set up? Why not just do it all in your new tent? are you looking to upgrade to a HID lighting system?? why do you need survivor blankets? you have a new tent....sorry im just not getting what your intentions are for all this...


Well-Known Member
Okay so... you have a shit ton of panda film. Are you building a room/dedicating a space for your new set up? Why not just do it all in your new tent? are you looking to upgrade to a HID lighting system?? why do you need survivor blankets? you have a new tent....sorry im just not getting what your intentions are for all this...
Ok, I said the survivor used the survivor blankets for light reflection in my first setup, that I'm redoing the setup with panda plastic. And will maybe use the tent for clones or as a darkroom. I've only been at this for a 2 1/2 months now. Still in my first grow cycle. So, with any experiment, you made adjustments when you get new data or knowledge. so as i learn i will be making adjustments and then seek more knowledge. Kind of how man has advanced throughout the years.

So to break it down. The tents adds to my grow environment, I'm moving from cardboard and survivor blankets to panda film and will increase my grow space a little for now. I may use the panda film and PVC tubing to construct a larger grow space after I clear one of side of my garage that's being used for storage space. For now, I'm sticking with my CFL lights, may change once I grow big.

Doesn't make sense to throw a shit of resources into an experiment in the the beginning stages. I take my lessons learned and may evolve and expand this current experiment into a larger one if I stay interested, if not i sell this shit and move on to something else.

i got interested when I saw a friend's experiment and decided to start my own. Especially since it is now legal in my state and I added a med card for added legality. I started out with 5 plants 1 died, 4 remaining (bubba Krush), recently added 10 more because 1st 4 looks pretty good. Added Girl Scout cookies, 3rd dimension, white willow, White Russian and Chernobyl for some variety. Again - learn and grow principle.

Plus I've always had a green thumb, so I decided to use my power for the good rather than evil.

Grow Big and Prosper Or just get high!



a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
PVC and panda film seem to be a decent choice for an starter or experiment room I think. How are u going to attach the panda film to the PVC?


Well-Known Member
I haven't gotten that far in the thought process yet. Maybe Velcro and duct or gorilla tape and add a zipper or Velcro for the entrance. I'm open to suggestions if any have some to offer to a newbie. But right now I'm just trying to reconstruct the current setup to successfully get through my first grow and tend to the new girls.


Active Member
i'd go velcro, it's pretty cheap and obviously reusable and movable. thats just my opinion. i've had great experience with it. (usually pretty strong too)

pvc is also a good choice for your your frame. as stated above.

if you want to use your metal shelving still (and your setup permits) you can try pvc frame around the shelves, then panda film it. if you can.

either way your in the right direction and good luck

keep us posted


Well-Known Member
Thanks! I'm going just do my shelves for now and work on clearing the one side of my garage. Once I got that done. I will build the my cage with the PVC and incorporate the the shelves into the space. I just picked up some Velcro. I looking at creating a new setup for the CFLs. Will post a picture for feedback before I use this setup seeing that I'm not and electrician. Not sure if it may cause a problem or overload.


Well-Known Member
Thanks! It good to hear that this works. Will post some pictures when it's completed.


Well-Known Member
Ok - got it done just need to add the lights to the 2nd level and add the rest of the plants. What do you think? Be nice play? Newbie on board?



Active Member
Lol a million....AND 1.... Uses for duct tape.

Not hatin, lol u gotta use what you got. Lol still looks good though. How many watts of cfl u got in there?

You may not pull a HUGE yield without lst or topping with that many plants, but should be decent.

Also....feminized seeds?


Well-Known Member
Lol a million....AND 1.... Uses for duct tape.

Not hatin, lol u gotta use what you got. Lol still looks good though. How many watts of cfl u got in there?

You may not pull a HUGE yield without lst or topping with that many plants, but should be decent.

Also....feminized seeds?
they're 42/150 6500k watts. There are four of them, I will be moving half of them to the bottom shelf once add the lights. I have another place for flowering. They are all girls. I will work on the lights just used the duct tape to stabilize the lights so they wouldn't come contact with the panda film. So there will be fiv plants per shelf. Looking to grow them about 20 a 24 inches then flip them.


Active Member
they're 42/150 6500k watts. There are four of them, I will be moving half of them to the bottom shelf once add the lights. I have another place for flowering. They are all girls. I will work on the lights just used the duct tape to stabilize the lights so they wouldn't come contact with the panda film. So there will be fiv plants per shelf. Looking to grow them about 20 a 24 inches then flip them.
cool, be ready for a decent amount of stretching during flowering, but if you lst you can make the room. even if you dont lst you might be fine, but just to be safe, plus the yield can be way higher.

either way gl and keep us updated


Well-Known Member
Ok I rethought out the lights configuration and got the secod shelf set up. Not I got to get going on working on the flowering area. Cause I"m going to need it soon. But I think I need to repot my big gurl before I flip her. Question she's in MG moisture control not and I'm using the Fox Farm Trio. I'm moving to FFOF and a #5 pot it's short and round. Looking for advise on the pot size, and recommendations on making the switch from MG to FFOF. Thanks!

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Active Member
Ok I rethought out the lights configuration and got the secod shelf set up. Not I got to get going on working on the flowering area. Cause I"m going to need it soon. But I think I need to repot my big gurl before I flip her. Question she's in MG moisture control not and I'm using the Fox Farm Trio. I'm moving to FFOF and a #5 pot it's short and round. Looking for advise on the pot size, and recommendations on making the switch from MG to FFOF. Thanks!

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when i did grow soil. I always bought 5 gal. buckets. but (since im sure your space is too small) you can buy buckets on the cheap at hardware stores in the 1-4 gallon range.


use as big as you can in the space you have.
the bigger the container/lights the bigger the yield.


Well-Known Member
Lol a million....AND 1.... Uses for duct tape.

Not hatin, lol u gotta use what you got. Lol still looks good though. How many watts of cfl u got in there?

You may not pull a HUGE yield without lst or topping with that many plants, but should be decent.

Also....feminized seeds?
Cleaned it up and got rid of the duct tape .
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Well-Known Member
Ok I will move to the 5 pot and I will setup a good size area for the flowering. Guess it's time to go get the PVC - I already got the Panda Film and velcro and you know I got duct tape. LOL Any advice on repotting from MG to FFOF before I go 12/12 with the big plants? Oh yeah you are doing hydro right?

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Not really a trick to repotting into ocean Forrest, maybe some super thrive in the ph'd water your going to be using. Your pots look pretty small now so u should have tons of great ocean forest around your nice girls.