Time to Harvest??? Need Help...


Well-Known Member
So I'm near the completion of my first plant ever grown. She's an autoflowering AK-47 x Blueberry. Strain guide states it should be 10 wks from seed to harvest. My plant however is only on day 50 of total growth and already has decently plump buds and over 50% red hairs (pics below). Unfortunately, I don't have a magnifier or loupe, so I'm judging maturity by the hairs. That being said, should I harvest now, or let it continue to grow another 20 days?

Also, I planned to flush for two weeks prior to harvesting starting in a few days. If it's time to harvest though, is it better to just skip the flushing period?



Active Member
You don't judge when to harvest by the hairs - pistils, but on the trichomes, which are tiny droplets that form all over the bud. They start out clear, then they turn milky, then amber. Rule of thumb is to harvest when half are amber, the rest milky or clear.
From your pictures it appears that your trichomes are all clear still - and not only that, by waiting you will see a lot more trichomes forming - which is what you want, because that's where the THC is.
Patience - and happy grow!


Well-Known Member
looks like u got 15 to 25 days left. spend ten bucks and get a microscope at radio shack

Illegal Smile

At the very least another 20. Autos are seldom done at the ten weeks they claim.


Well-Known Member
'ppreciate all the advice. Looks like it's a unanimous vote for waiting a few more weeks... & I guess I may as well go and pick up a 'scope. I'm sure it'll be worth it in the long run

Thanks again all...