Time to TURN THE PAGE - maybe?

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I like how trousers denies being a sock puppet, yet starts multiple new 'socks' two days in a row for negative insult backup, too funny.

Ask the mods you dumb child.
I have had this one account for over three years. I do not have any others.
You and yessica are beyond stupid.
I am just wondering if any of her facebook friends would be interested in a link to the tumblr page. I have a feeling a couple of them would be.
some odd reversed attention complex

pushing others on yessica to gain attention

some odd reversed attention complex.
burn trousers soul !!!!

and bruise him alitte :) he seems to like the PAIN ;)
I appreciate your heart being in the right place here, but no need to be all fighty-picky on my account.

I'm going to take the logical advice and just pretend that none of this ever happened.

One thing to ALWAYS remember...

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