Time warp field used to grow plants


Active Member
Ive been researching into time warp fields and have found there are several privately funded research companies (anderson research LLC) who have successfully been able to grow a plant in an excelerated time warp field up to 300% the speed of time. They were able to do this 5 years ago, just imagine what they are able to do by now. This may not be true but with Stephan Hawkings coming out and saying time travel is possible and a research facility in Switzerland being able to create a black hole in a atom collidor it boggles my mind of the possibilities. If you want to trip out on a mind boggling interview while you getting stoned I strongly recomend hearing the story on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bIiJZn9sqA takes about a couple hours to hear all of it but its a great story and I cant wait to grow my meds in a timewarp field and go from seed to harvest in a few minutes. Wouldnt that be great