timers? will switching around stress plant?


Well-Known Member
i've been flowering for 4 weeks now and my job is changing my schedule.

i am right now doing 10am-10pm off

now with the new hours i can maybe do 6pm- only 5am

how can i work this out? will this stress the plant? and does home depot sell good timers were i can pick up right away?

need this in a hurry


Well-Known Member
Yea Home depot has quite a few timers, i picked up a digital timer the other day with 2 sockets for $20... not what i would have liked to pay, but i tried the $5 ones and they wouldnt switch on so i had to upgrade. Plus, since im doing a CFL grow, i'd rather get 3 timers than 6 lol.

As for your light cycle, i'd think it would stress em out to much to do it right away. But ehh what do i know, only my 2nd grow lol. Good luck! :weed:


Well-Known Member
thanks people. luckily my schedule for work doesn't change till monday. will give me enough time to pick one up the weekend


Well-Known Member
I read on the Al B Fact thread that if you do have to do aschedule change then let it result in a longer dark cycle than a longer light cycle. etc...


Well-Known Member
that was what i was thinking of doing if i didn't get the timer. I was going to just let it sit longer in a dark period so i can switch the time on em


Well-Known Member
yeah i was using by hand. just bought a timer today at a local hardware store and it's all set :)

all i need now is to build a good grow box. tried tonight using sheet rocks but those things are cheap and it broke easily.

i just now only have it in a box. 2 of them have stretched from the beginning of keeping the fluoros like 6 inches away.......but now lights is right almost on them. 3rd plant i had it close from the beginning so that one isn't stretched