tincture expert says 20 minute extraction is all you need

I make my green dragon out to be 100-125mg per 1ml iv given a full 10ml to freinds and they where On a ride with the devil for about 20hrs plus another 20 hrs of them combing down.....gave that same dose to some other freinds that dab......they felt nothing
Wait...I'm not math expert but that's a 1000+ mg dose. Holy hallucinations that's a lot of THC. You could probably sedate an elephant with that dose.

I've been experimenting with dosage but more like 20-30mg. Still trying to figure out the sweet spot.

1000mg...unreal. And your dabbing friends must have some wicked tolerance built up. How do they even get any effects anymore?
Ok so I give out a lot during the holidays and one thing iv noticed is some people need a fucking thc break lol ....seriously though if u have a kidney issue or liver issue regarding Enzymes (some people’s body’s don’t produce the required enzymes to presses edibals to get the high) your not going to feel anything so it’s hit or miss with edibals sometimes...me 10mg is all I need to feel uncomfortably medicated
me 10mg is all I need to feel uncomfortably medicated
Did you mean "comfortably medicated"? Or is 10mg too much for you?

I definitely lean toward the "less is more" philosophy when it comes to cannabis. Been testing the strains I harvested this fall so that's why I mentioned 20-30mg because my tolerance is up a bit, but am thinking soon I'll take a 3-4 week break and then start microdosing at maybe 5mg and see how that does.

I stopped smoking a while back but when I did I found a modest puff or two was the best effect for me.
I have a crazy low tolerance I only dose every few days so I was strait up now haveing a good time bro with that 10mg
Sounds like you have an excellent approach that works for you. Once I get through this testing and take a T-break I expect I'll end up about where you are.
boil down to rso sludge then reconstitute with lower % alcohol that way its easier to ingest. use 190+ proof for making rso then put that into a shot glass of a much lower alcohol
Can you expand on this a little? I’ve been researching how to evaporate off the alcohol to make the tincture tolerable and your idea of getting it to RSOnis intereating, what medium would you then re introduce it to, and how much? I started w 2oz for a 750 of everclear. I’m ready to evaporate down, but don’t know how far, or then what to do with it. Next batch will be the freezer trick, but your comment made me reply
I just evaporate mine down at room temp in an open mason jar with a coffee filter on top to keep dust and contaminants from falling in. I take it down about 50% in volume as I don't dose sublingually. I just add it to whatever I'm drinking like coffee, Gatorade or water. The sublingual application was only giving me about a 30-45 minute head start on effect onset and the burning under the tongue just wasn't worth the speed difference. I evaporate mine down just to concentrate the dose so I just have to take about 8-12 drops every 4-6 hours to deal with very severe chronic nerve pain from a spine injury. The lab tests I've read showed maximum extraction was done in 7 days. 4 days got most of it but 7 had just about everything. I also freeze my booze and bud before mixing to aid the process. I shake the jar once a day gently during the 7 days and keep it in a dark, cool spot. Best of luck to you.