Tincture gone wrong? Black dots/bubbles and other problems


Hello @ll,

it is my second time, that I tried to make a tincture with medicinal cannabis. I always use shake. I like to make hash from my buds and the shake should still be around 5-10% THC which I want to use oral. I made RSO in the past with Isopropylalcohol without any problems.

In the case of tincture - of course I use food grade ethanol/alcohol with around 97%. I always end up with the same results. Last time I threw it away down the toilet. I added three pictures and I ask myself what I am doing wrong.

What I do:

1. Freeze everything. (alc + shake)
2. I use a butan extraction glas tube with a little hole on the bottom and a filter-mesh around the bottom/hole.
3. I fill the shake into the tube and let the frozen alcohol slowly run down through the tube
(Of course at this stage if down once I have a nice golden color without too much green)
4. Because I don't want to waste anything and I don't care if chlorophyl gets into my tincture - I take the golden alcohol from the bottom and reuse it 1-2x and let it run through the cannabis again.
5. Press the last drops out of the shake
6. At this point everything looks still fine- but more green than in the beginning (of course)
7. I calculate the THC (CBD) per drop of tincture - so I vaporize at the window as much alcohol as needed to have my final calculation of total tincture - and predictable THC concentration per drop.

It looks totally clear without anything - any plant material - any rubbish - nothing.

This time about 2/3 of the total alcohol amount had to be evaporated to have my final total amount of tincure.

The first time I tried this- I ended up with the same results you can see on my photos.


A: A oily layer sticks to the glas container and alcohol does NOT remove it and "soak" it up / dissolve it in alcohol (after the process, I tried to clean the layer with isopropylalcohol and it is almost impossible to get it removed a 100%, yes it dissolves but something must be wrong)

B: Black dots (you can see on the picture) are floating in the tincture - or stick to the bottom.

I don't want to throw all that away after the work and the price for alc and my medicine.

What I think could be the problem:

- The alcohol is saturated and can't hold as much cannabinoids (and chlorophyl)
- 1/3 of the shake I don't decarb- because I also want to have some THC-A within the tincture to have a broader spectrum of Cannabinoids. This third could have been not dry enough (but perfekt bud humidity to smoke! It is not "wet") and the water within the 1/3 could lead to this crazy reactions. But I can not imagine this is the case, because you can also use some 40% alcohol and make tinctures this way (but it isn't as effective)

But: My calculation is 0,9gr/900mg THC dissolved in 60ml ethanol/alcohol ... this should be no problem?! Or does adding more alcohol the trick?

What I ask myself is: If I filter this solution - is there still THC in the alcohol? Are the black bubbles/dots and the oily layer THC? (I guess yes- I mean I have experience with RSO).

I would be sooo happy if someone could bring some light into the darkness! I am severely disabled and the weed isn't cheap, also the alcohol is expensive...

Thank you!


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    example dirty tincture 2.jpg
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Are you filtering your wash before you evaporate the ethanol?

Hey - I have something like a nutmilk bag kind of material which the ethanol drops through. And the plant material is not so fine grinded. Just normal grinder state.

What kind of filtering do you mean?

The interesting thing is, fresh made tincture with all the ethanol (before evaporation of a specific amount) seems totally clear - but after 50%+ is gone - this stuff happens! And it gets some kind of "Cloudy" /"Foggy".

ps: Excuse if my english is not the best. I am learning more and more.
Longer soaks extract extract more non target elements like plant waxes. Ethanol is polar and the first thing to fall out of solution as you boil off the alcohol, is the non polar elements like plant waxes.

Boiling off the alcohol also leaves behind (concentrates) the water, which when combined with alcohol and plant terpenes makes a cloudy solution.

If you cool your solution and # 1 lab filter to -18C/0F for 24 hours, the waxes will clump and filter out, taking some of the chlorophyll (black) with it.

Isolate and smear a black dot on white paper and I believe you will find it is dark green.
Had the same problem. Psychedelic Sam says it was water in the 150 proof alcholol. Evaporated it down added a little glycerin and Evaporated all the alcholol. It was great. Psychedelic Sam is on one of the forums and on YouTube
Longer soaks extract extract more non target elements like plant waxes. Ethanol is polar and the first thing to fall out of solution as you boil off the alcohol, is the non polar elements like plant waxes.

Boiling off the alcohol also leaves behind (concentrates) the water, which when combined with alcohol and plant terpenes makes a cloudy solution.

If you cool your solution and # 1 lab filter to -18C/0F for 24 hours, the waxes will clump and filter out, taking some of the chlorophyll (black) with it.

Isolate and smear a black dot on white paper and I believe you will find it is dark green.

Great thank you!

So this should mean, that the alcohol does still contain the cannabinoids... I have a glass funnel and lab filter for it... So I am going to freeze it and filter it afterwards! I was afraid that the black bubbles/dots could be RSO and I would lose THC if I remove them!

PS: I don't "Boil" It down- it is at the window at room temperature... isn't it strange that this reaction happens? Ok for some hours I had it on my room heater - but the surface was 45C max....
Had the same problem. Psychedelic Sam says it was water in the 150 proof alcholol. Evaporated it down added a little glycerin and Evaporated all the alcholol. It was great. Psychedelic Sam is on one of the forums and on YouTube

Thank you also! I want to use it oral - so Glycerin Tincture is not my goal. What you mean was used for using it with a E-cigarette/Vaporizer?
The other option might be to evaporate it down and keep adding 190 proof alcholol until all the water is evaporated. Or add enough 190 proof to get everything back in suspension then put in the freezer for the night. In the morning filter the water out