Tincture ? Help Needed

I am ordering 1 Gallon of

190 proof neutral organic grape alcohol

(I have also considered doing this with food grade glycerine)

I have been told a simple method (not quick) would be to take some buds and to break them up (not super fine?) and simply place about 1/2 oz per cup of alcohol. Seal the medicine and alcohol in the jar, place in a dark warm area and shake every couple days. For nest results let it sit for 2 months....

What are the thoughts on this?
I really want to avoid heating glycerine or alcohol (don't want the smell nor do I need to rush the process)

Can you give me some suggestions from your experience?
Will this work?
Did you use glycerine or alcohol?
What kinda dosing were you using and what method did you ingest it?

I was thinking if I was to do this and happy with the results I could also do it wil glycerine for making suckers and things like that.

Do I need to bake the buds first??? If so what temp do I want to stay in and for how long?


Well-Known Member
Here's a link that was very helpful to me, lot's of good info for doing this and other stuff.
I used 100 proof vodka and it followed the info in the thread which is basically what you said and it worked well. I also made Green Dragon using citrus extract that was very nice with Coke Zero (the recipe is in the thread somewhere but not in the original post).

Hope it helps ya :)
Thank you, I just do not have an interest in using vodka, rubbing alcohol etc.

I have one going with glycerine using the simple 60 days method with shaking daily, an occasional warm water bath under the sink and heating it for about 20 min in some water that is kept under about 150 deg. and then the strain....

I just ordered some organic grape alcohol (clear) 190 proof and I plan on trying a similar method with that but I need to research it a bit more first. I have about 2-4 weeks most likely till I have the proper product to do this batch.

I do not know why but for some reason tinctures really interest me!!!!

I am thinking perhaps I can try to make suckers or hard candies with the glycerine tincture.