Tincture Help


Active Member
So I just tried to make my first tincture and think I might of messed up and need help.

So I took about a 9 grams of mid grade bud and ground it up in my grinder and then put it in the oven on a cookie sheet for 2 minutes at 275.

I then put it in a mason jar and filled it with Everclear grain alcohol, which was 195 proof; 95% alcohol.

I shook it pretty intensely for about 5 minutes then off and on for another 5.

The part I think I screwed up on was putting to much alcohol. I put about 3/4 a cup to 9 grams of finely ground bud. It was pretty green and murky looking but the top most part of it was still a bit see through and from seeing some videos it is supposed to be dark as night, correct?

I watched some videos where they reduced it by putting the mason jar in simmering water and let it evaporate...Do you think that will solve my problem? Should I reduce it now and store it or store it first and reduce it in a week or so?

Thanks a lot


Well-Known Member
the part you screwed up was putting it in the oven... you can add as much alcohol as you want to the bud as long as all the material is covered. the less alcohol the more potent it'll be. just let it sit and evaporate and youll get a stronger/better product. not sure why you would put it in the oven and roast off some of that THC...

and it should be left in a dark place, closed, and sit for about a month or so, shaking it every day or 2. strain through a coffee filter and use.


Well-Known Member
and the more potent the alcohol the better it'll work so the everclear was a perfect choice


New Member

  • [h=2]
    How to make tincture oil[/h]
    I am about to explain how to make a safe non toxic tincture oil. I do not condone the use of illegal drugs. If you are not qualified or permitted to use cannabis this post is not for you. First you will need two nonporous glass bowls,one pair of bleached and washed white nylons, a solvent(I do not use petroleum based solvents because of toxicity issues)one spoon,a fan,extra virgin olive oil and a glass bottle. We will be using a stove top cooking method for the final product.First thing is to place dry bud, leaves or clippings in a small nonporous bowl then add the solvent.The solvent I use is 91% isopropyl alcohol.Its important to have as pure of an alcohol as possible 50 or 70% will not work because you will end up with 50 or 30% water in the end.

    Allow the leaves to soak for about 10 to 15 minutes stirring and crushing the leaves helps break down the oils. Then wring out the liquid with your hand and discard the leaves. Repeat this process with a fresh batch of dry buds or leaves to make a concentrated solution.

    Next step is to place the bowl in the nylon stocking and strain of the solution into a bigger nonporous glass bowl then stretch the next stocking over the large bowl and place in front of a fan the stocking will keep debris from contaminating the solution. By rotating and moving the bowl around you can spread the solution over a larger surface area to aid in the evaporation process.

    After the evaporation you will end up with 9% water this is toxic water so do not include it in your tincture dump it out all cannabis oils will stick to the sides of the bowl. The remaining water can be removed by wicking out with a paper towel. Then simply take your finger or a spoon and collect the oils.

    Next I will use a small 3.5 oz bottle and 6 grams of chilled cannabis oil then fill the bottle with extra virgin olive oil be sure to leave space for expansion. Bring a pan of water to a boil then reduce to a simmer. Then place the bottle of oil in the simmering pan.

    What we are looking for now is a lava lamp action the oils will begin to rise to the top this could take 15 minutes or so do not increase the heat. When this happens pull the bottle out of the pan dry it off and shake it vigorously for about five minutes. Place it back in the pan of simmering water.watch for small bubbles rising to the surface.

    After you see the small bubbles and a darker color its done DO NOT OVER COOK.This tincture can be strained through the nylon once more to eliminate any oils that do not infuse although potency may decrease a bit. This is very strong stuff and I do not recommend taking more than one teaspoon at a time. 3.5 oz = 21 teaspoons or 21 doses. Dont be the first guy to die from thc.

    glycerin can be used for an external use tincture I use olive oil because your body can absorb it well and it can be used for cooking. Enjoy!​



Active Member
Everywhere I read, like literally everywhere, says you need to decarb the bud before soaking it... Here are a few sites I just saw while trying to search for info to show you guys....I hope I didnt mess it up by doing this..

Here is some of the stuff I read...

Process Summary:

1. Chop cannabis very fine (coffee grinder works great)

2. Place in a shallow pan (pie pan with aluminum foil works great) and bake at 325°F for 4-5 minutes.

3. Remove from oven and place cannabis and place in 2 oz of rum (use a small wide mouth mason jar)

4. Simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes. Maintaintemperature of the rum/cannabis mixture between 150°F – 165°F.

5. Strain the mixture and store.

One eyedropper is very nice. Two puts you in space. But you should self-titrate. Effects take about 1.5 hours to begin (at least in myself) and lasted for 5 hours (1 dropper) to 7-8 hours (2 droppers).

Process details—references and rationalizations:

1. Chop the cannabis—more surface area gives means a faster and more efficient extraction.

2. Bake the cannabis.
In whole-plant cannabis, THC content is expressed as THCA (tetrahydrocannabolic acid) prior to decarboxylation into THC, which takes place when cannabis is heated during cooking, and smoked or vaporized ingestion. THCA is a mild analgesic and anti-inflammatory but does not have good affinity with our CB1 receptors, so in order to make a THC-rich tincture that has many of the same therapeutic effects as smoked ingestion (including rapid absorption, quick relief and ease of self-titration), we must convert the THCA in the plant matter into THC prior to extracting it through an alcohol soak. (from Vancouver Island Compassion Societyhttp://thevics.com/cannamist.htm)
THC vaporizes at about 380°F. We want to heat the cannabis to convert THCA to THC, but keep the temperature under 380°F. That is why 325°F is used. Between four and five minutes your oven (and house) will start to smell very strong. This is the time to remove the cannabis from the oven.

Notice also that there is considerable misinformation regarding heating the cannabis. It is true that you don't have to heat it to extract both THC and THCA, but the amount of THC in whole plant preparations is relatively small compared to after decarboxylation of the THCA. So if you want to maximize the strength of your tincture you must heat the cannabis prior to extraction.




Active Member

  • How to make tincture oil

    I am about to explain how to make a safe non toxic tincture oil. I do not condone the use of illegal drugs. If you are not qualified or permitted to use cannabis this post is not for you. First you will need two nonporous glass bowls,one pair of bleached and washed white nylons, a solvent(I do not use petroleum based solvents because of toxicity issues)one spoon,a fan,extra virgin olive oil and a glass bottle. We will be using a stove top cooking method for the final product.First thing is to place dry bud, leaves or clippings in a small nonporous bowl then add the solvent.The solvent I use is 91% isopropyl alcohol.Its important to have as pure of an alcohol as possible 50 or 70% will not work because you will end up with 50 or 30% water in the end.

    Allow the leaves to soak for about 10 to 15 minutes stirring and crushing the leaves helps break down the oils. Then wring out the liquid with your hand and discard the leaves. Repeat this process with a fresh batch of dry buds or leaves to make a concentrated solution.

    Next step is to place the bowl in the nylon stocking and strain of the solution into a bigger nonporous glass bowl then stretch the next stocking over the large bowl and place in front of a fan the stocking will keep debris from contaminating the solution. By rotating and moving the bowl around you can spread the solution over a larger surface area to aid in the evaporation process.

    After the evaporation you will end up with 9% water this is toxic water so do not include it in your tincture dump it out all cannabis oils will stick to the sides of the bowl. The remaining water can be removed by wicking out with a paper towel. Then simply take your finger or a spoon and collect the oils.

    Next I will use a small 3.5 oz bottle and 6 grams of chilled cannabis oil then fill the bottle with extra virgin olive oil be sure to leave space for expansion. Bring a pan of water to a boil then reduce to a simmer. Then place the bottle of oil in the simmering pan.

    What we are looking for now is a lava lamp action the oils will begin to rise to the top this could take 15 minutes or so do not increase the heat. When this happens pull the bottle out of the pan dry it off and shake it vigorously for about five minutes. Place it back in the pan of simmering water.watch for small bubbles rising to the surface.

    After you see the small bubbles and a darker color its done DO NOT OVER COOK.This tincture can be strained through the nylon once more to eliminate any oils that do not infuse although potency may decrease a bit. This is very strong stuff and I do not recommend taking more than one teaspoon at a time. 3.5 oz = 21 teaspoons or 21 doses. Dont be the first guy to die from thc.

    glycerin can be used for an external use tincture I use olive oil because your body can absorb it well and it can be used for cooking. Enjoy!​

Thats pretty sweet looking


Active Member
i make tincture from purged oil and glycerin double boil it til it all dissolves together alcohol free and tastes better too


Active Member
whats up with toxic water? Was that just in regards to the 9% (91% iso used) and it has poisons added? I figure if i use a graduated cylinder in a hot water bath and let it slowly cool, then add ice to the bath, the water layer would be easy to remove... but what would make it toxic?


ive been tryin to figure out how to make tinctures from BHO or super melt/shatter with only glycerine not alcohol, what do you mean double boil it? and how many grams of oil per glycerine? thanks man


Well-Known Member
honestly I'd try and go pretty light with the oil when making tincture. 1 -2 grams per quart perhaps? you can always add more glycerin later though as well. I'm just thinking that a greater glycerin volume as an initial solvent will help homogenize the product.


how long do you double boil it because i still have clumps or oil still mixed with glycerine but its not all dissolving into the glycerine there is still a good gram or 2 clumped up. Ive tried heating and simmering it a few times but what do u mean by double boil? i have mine in a brown dropper bottle so do you actually leave it in boiling water or simmering and for how long? also standing straight up with not top on or in the water with the container closed? Because if i strain it now i will have clumps of oil at least 2 to 3 grams and its still not dark color more of dark green to light light brown but i also tipped it over and got a lil water in it so its kinda of runny n def not thick consistency of tincs ive had. Any suggestions much appreciate.


Well-Known Member
even though this is a sort of concentrate, it would probably be better off in the edibles section since there is much more tincture based stuff over there. probably will get better discussion too.