tincture question


Well-Known Member
I was considering making some tincture. I was wondering if I could use flavoured alcohol like a strawberry moonshine or any type of flavour alcohol with a 40 proof or higher grade.
I hope this makes since, and please help.
:eyesmoke: happy toke'n!


Well-Known Member
You could mix 40 proof with cannabis concentrate to make an elixir, but it has too much water in it to extract with, unless you are striving for a greeeeeeeeeeen flavor.


Well-Known Member
So if I mixed in some fruit with some everclear it wouldn't work out.
I just dont want to waste a couple ounces.


Well-Known Member
Yes you can make a tincture using a flavored alcohol - google green dragon. But you said 40 proof which would be only 20% alcohol. You want to use the highest proof possible (like everclear). I have made some before using everclear and some Malibu and it seemed to work fine. Or maybe that's what you meant anyway :-)


Well-Known Member
Hey my first time making green dragon or tincture. I can use decarb'd bho oil and 100 proof absolute to make it right?

And if I understand correctly I want to take 4 oz of absolute and 10 grams and mix them then apply heat until its boiled down to about 2 oz. Or do I do the heating first before I add the oil?


Well-Known Member
Exactly what I ment. Using a high proof alcohol and add some flavor to it for a better taste.
Yes you can make a tincture using a flavored alcohol - google green dragon. But you said 40 proof which would be only 20% alcohol. You want to use the highest proof possible (like everclear). I have made some before using everclear and some Malibu and it seemed to work fine. Or maybe that's what you meant anyway :-)


Well-Known Member
I'm interested as well in this method. I hope someone replies to this add well.
Hey my first time making green dragon or tincture. I can use decarb'd bho oil and 100 proof absolute to make it right?

And if I understand correctly I want to take 4 oz of absolute and 10 grams and mix them then apply heat until its boiled down to about 2 oz. Or do I do the heating first before I add the oil?


Well-Known Member
Hey my first time making green dragon or tincture. I can use decarb'd bho oil and 100 proof absolute to make it right?

And if I understand correctly I want to take 4 oz of absolute and 10 grams and mix them then apply heat until its boiled down to about 2 oz. Or do I do the heating first before I add the oil?
BHO and ethanol mix well warm and that is an easy way to make a tincture.

No need to add more than you need and boil back down. Warm you can mix them at any ratios.

If you haven't decarboxylated it yet to make it orally active, I suggest doing that first in a hot vegetable oil bath, and then simply adding the alcohol to the hot oil at the end.


Well-Known Member
I vac purge my bho with heat. There's no butane left in it. Also I cooked it for a long while last night to decarb it. The only step I skipped was cooking it in an oil bath. I cooked the oil in a silicone dish at about 200f for an hour or so. When I mixed the alcohol in I let boil again for about 2 hours. I boiled off 2 oz of alcohol but when I let it cool the oil and alcohol separate and its not a tincture.... It's more like I'm doing an alcohol wash..... Where am I going wrong guys?


Well-Known Member
Dude, I know nothing about BHO. I make ethanol extracts and turn them into vape juice for the most part. This is a concentrates section and a tincture to me might be better served in the cooking with cannabis section. A basic tincture would be Green Dragon which is bascally weed simmered in alcohol, for that I have used flavored stuff as stated but it is not my normal thing. But with it, you can simmer it down however much you like.

For edibles, I personally wouldn't use a concentrate. I'm not 100% sure what your end game is (meaning exact use). It almost sounds like you want to end up with a RSO that isn't fully boiled, made with ethanol.

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
Wish I could answer you. I made a few alcohol/concebtrate tinctures in the past and never had separation. Can you take a picture?


Well-Known Member
I will post a pic when I get off work today. But I boiled all the alcohol off on accident so I put 3 more shots into it let it heat and mixed it up for a bit. Turned off the heat and let it sit all night. Idk what I'll be coming home too