Tiny clear wormie bugs


I noticed tiny spots on my leaves. Kinda looks like mite bites. I looked at em under the 100x scope and there are tiny clear wormy lookin bugs. No legs and kind of has little fingers coming out of the face. I would guess i'm seeing the larvey? The leaves are also curlng down a little. Especially the small ones coming out of the buds? I'm 4 wkd in flower I used a product called final answer and coated the leavs well. Any body ever had something similar


Well-Known Member
Fucking worms too? I have some orange ones on my grape ape...! Just realized them tonight when i started looking further into the problem of some wilting leaves and budlings for the past couple of weeks of flowering... and decided to microscope the affected budlings...! Is this "final answer" working?

I am more curious how i got them in the first palce.

Are you Hydro GOGO?


Well-Known Member
Plant-Parasitic Nematodes

Foliar Nematode Control

This parasitic nematode is spread when infected wet plant leaves come into contact with the wet leaves of uninfected plants. The best and easiest way to prevent this is with proper spacing and watering practices. Avoid crowding plants together in planting beds. Leave room for air to circulate and dry the leaves after watering. It is also better to avoid wetting the foliage when you water the plants. If you water with a garden hose, lay it on the ground beneath the plants instead of spraying the water onto the plants.

Under dry conditions, foliar nematodes will stay put but they can live for several years inside dead leaves. You will need to remove all plant debris from the area in the fall.

A good inexpensive control is to spray the foliage of infected plants with insecticidal soap. Soap both sides of the leaves as well as all buds and stems. The soap will kill the nematode worms on contact but will not kill new worms that infect the plants at a later time.

Hope this helps you out.



Active Member
Sounds like thrips, they are easy enough to get rid of if there are only a few.

Lower your RH and get a good osculating fan. They can't flourish in dry environments. Next pick them off as you see them, and try to spread your plants out so they can't migrate from on to the other. Keep your plants dry, make sure only the soil gets wet. I would not spray anything this late in bud but others might disagree.


Crazy cause I'm growin grape ape as well! Do you lve in Denver. Did you get your clone from green cross? The final answer looks so so I found a couple alive ones but some dead ones too. It says use every three days. Better fuckin work shits 80 bucks a gal :) ya I run the gh water farm. And I got a fog/drip/swc box too. And mine are also kind of an orange color. Im lookin at em now. They actually do have tiny little legs. I don't think there thrips cause on the Internet it shows the larve to be bigger. I can't believe how tiny these things are. I mean they look small 100x scoped. Fuckin lame


Ya buddy I took a few leaves off my moms that got it too and lightly spritzed em with final answer, liquid lady bug, and azatrol. The ladybug and azatrol didn't work but the final answer lookid like t killed em. Or atleast they ain't movin any more. It's all organic and didn't hurt my pistils still findng alive ones on the flower plants I sprayed 2 days ago. Gonna spray them again tomorrow. Need to get a dehumidifier I think runnin 50-60% to high for flower anyways and I'm not sure what these fuckers are but I'm sure they like most pests love that wet air


Well-Known Member
Crazy cause I'm growin grape ape as well! Do you lve in Denver. Did you get your clone from green cross? The final answer looks so so I found a couple alive ones but some dead ones too. It says use every three days. Better fuckin work shits 80 bucks a gal :) ya I run the gh water farm. And I got a fog/drip/swc box too. And mine are also kind of an orange color. Im lookin at em now. They actually do have tiny little legs. I don't think there thrips cause on the Internet it shows the larve to be bigger. I can't believe how tiny these things are. I mean they look small 100x scoped. Fuckin lame
Yep, I do (live in Denver) and yep I did(Green Fucking Cross),LOLZ, how funny is that shit!

They are called Gall Gnats or Gall Larva

Yea the size of them tottally tripped me out! I cleaned fucking everything and have been itching a little here and there LOLZ, muther fuckin microrganisms! Got me all cracked out
Here's my post, there's pictures of them in there too https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/377684-yellow-dusting.html

I made another post about this and discovered what they are, Where did you get Final Answer?


I got it at greenthumb hydro out by dtc. Smells like cinnamon kinda burns the eyes I lil bt it don't hurt the hairs. As soon as you said grap ape I knew it man! I couldn't find your new post what's it called?