Tiny orange bug problem by nodes. eating my plant. Need help. +rep


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

Went to check on my plants this morning and one of them is badly infected with little orange bugs that almost look like termites. I dont have pics but it simply looks like someone has gone over top of my plant and eaten some nacho doritos and the little crumbs are on the plants. The insects are swarming the nodes as i just started flower a week ago today. I am extremley worried. I removed the plant from the room, took it outside into the rain and began to spray the shit out of it with neem oil.
Please does anyone have any suggestions or advice they can give me on what to do. I need to get rid of these bugs immediately so they dont effect my harvest or my buds. The plant looks much worse and it looks like it might not make it. Please let me know asap. I looked up bugs but couldnt find anything on any bugs that look orange. Any recipe or solution would be greatly appreciated + rep
My friend,
Im new to the grow thing so I can only think of spitermites......but really I just wanted to get you a bump here for help.
You mentioned swarm..do they have wings?
they arent spider mites i looked at them under 60x magnification with light and they are very plain looking with black eyes and are definately orange. pics on the way hopefully soon; if anyone has any idea what the problem could be please let me know this is really depressssingggggg......

editors note: this just happened today, and yesterday i had noted signs of most probable over watering as the plant had been completely drooped down. this i had also figured had happened since i had just watered it with the wrong nute mix (too strong) and immediately after flushed it with water in order to prevent burn. i also transplanted it to make sure it wasnt root rot or anything into a 5 gal pot and out of the 4 gal into more ff ocean forrest and didnt water. when i woke up to look at it it was completely infested with these orange tiny fucks. please help if anyone knows anything:confused:
well i would say just treat them with spider mites, get a spray bottle and fill it with some rubbing alcohol, spray your plants good with it and hopefully it will kill all the bugs, it wont harm your plant because it evaporates so quickly, i would say thats your best bet as of right now.
looking closely gives me a headache and theyre hard as shit to find with the scope but if im correct theres 6 legs 2 black eyes and 2 tentacles on the head, once again its a orange tiny tiny bug that i thought might be a mealybug but i dont think so after looking closer.
looking closely gives me a headache and theyre hard as shit to find with the scope but if im correct theres 6 legs 2 black eyes and 2 tentacles on the head, once again its a orange tiny tiny bug that i thought might be a mealybug but i dont think so after looking closer.

your going to need pictures man
idk how to take pictures of them that close. just imagine a plant that looks extremely overwatered, still green but completely droopy, and dorito crumbs around the nodes and along the stem (not the main one but one of the branches) that seem to be probably eating at my plant. working on pictures they will be up later getting camera.