tiny unknown flying bug, big problems?


i have picked up a tiny bug that is spreading like wild fire. the adult bug or i should say bugs look like black hair stubble shavings tiny & fly. the adolescent bugs do not fly look like tiny white maggots. both stages eat the leafs and stem leaving white squiggly lines everywhere the leafs infested eventually dry up & die. i have tried everything to purge them from mighty wash, neem oil, b.t., pyrethrum, spinosad, diatomaceous earth, to met52 pathogenic fungi with all to no avail. so what is this bug & how do i get rid of it?

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Fungus gnats! Your soil is too damp let your soil dry the gnats will die off then treat with Neem use green sand as top soil they hate that shit.



Well-Known Member
Sounds like thrips. Monterey garden insect spray or anything with spinosad as the active ingredient will take care of them.


spinosad is the first thing i used didn't work they continue to eat the leafs sprayed with it let me get a pic of them. they look like miniature leaf miners which i know spinosad works on but the larva stay above the leaf on top as they eat their white with a black head & even tho they can't fly yet they can flick them self's far to get around or get away. hmm maybe they are thrips idk. the adults fly so makes it worse is their so small. the adults look like a tiny black hair stubble with 2 white stripes in the middle.


looked up some pics of thrips think that's what they kinda look like maybe a little different in the 2 white stripe pattern but damage on the leafs looks the same. bad thing is they moved from the clone & mother room to my bud room. the only good thing is the bud room is at week 7 & they don't bother the buds they stay away from trichome sugar leafs. but eat every thing other young stems & leafs. i'm more worried about my mothers & studs which i have no way of getting replacements since i make my own crosses. think my next move i might spend $50 on some predatory mites small price to pay to protect my work.


<<---- this pic is this ginormous ant i found in the east cost an inch long its on a paper tilted back so i looks smaller then it really is lol big bug

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
For truly nasty infestations that resist organic remedies, you can either start over or bug bomb them with hardcore chemical insecticide. It's the only way to get all the nooks & crannies. Don't do it anywhere near flowering plants!