Tiny white bugs running around on my soil


Hi, so i noticed some small (~1-2mm long) insects running around on my soil. Unfortunately, my magnifying glass is not strong enough to give me a good look at them (i'm going to by a stronger one tonight hopefully), but i've narrowed it down to either symphilids or spring tails. If they are spring tails, i'm not too worried, apparently they aren't a pest (they are beneficial/neutral from what i understand) My plants should be done in a week or 2, so if they are symphilids, i was wondering if doing nothing would be alright, or do i need to take action as soon as possible?


Active Member
i think i got the same ones... lemme know what you find out

i found 1 was reallllly small all most clear only bug i saw in there i killed it just incase


I was unable to get my hands on a new hand lens, but i got some really good pics of these little critters with my camera. I am almost 100% sure that they are springtails, and not symphilids or thrips. Although, i am no entimologist, and i am only a 1st time grower, so i could very well be wrong, any opinions?



Those look like symphilids to me, but not completely sure
Ya they look alot like symphilids, but these have 6 legs, and i thought symphilids had alot more...like a centipede? But again i'm no expert. Thanks alot for your input, much appreciated!


Active Member
well mine were nothing like that mine had wings i looked at the fungas ones doesn't look anything like them

it was a REALLY REALLY small looking fly looked like it had wings was crawling in the soil i think ive seen it flying around but its like a little spec


Well-Known Member
The only bug at all like that that I've had experience with was soil lice. Were yours walking around on top of the soil, or down in it? Mine were deep down in the soil, never on the surface (that I saw). Anyway, I was pretty confident that I identified them properly, and I read that soil lice only eat decaying matter in the soil, and don't do any damage to the plants. I ignored them, and had no problems.
Here's a pic of soil lice:



well mine were nothing like that mine had wings i looked at the fungas ones doesn't look anything like them

it was a REALLY REALLY small looking fly looked like it had wings was crawling in the soil i think ive seen it flying around but its like a little spec
Look into thrips, they look similar (in my opinion anyways) and can have wings or no wings...from what i understand they feed on leaves (the chlorophyl?)...check out this thread... it might help (insects are about half way down the page)


The only bug at all like that that I've had experience with was soil lice. Were yours walking around on top of the soil, or down in it? Mine were deep down in the soil, never on the surface (that I saw). Anyway, I was pretty confident that I identified them properly, and I read that soil lice only eat decaying matter in the soil, and don't do any damage to the plants. I ignored them, and had no problems.
Here's a pic of soil lice:

Thanks alot dude. I found them on the surface. They look REALLY similar, so either way (springtails or soil lice) i think i'm just going to let them go...but continue to monitor obviously. Thanks again for your input, really helpful...and relieving lol.