
Well-Known Member
Major harware stores will sell the yellow, sticky traps. They work ok, but if they touch your plant then you'll tear the leaves.
I had a spray from my hydro store. It really didn't work on gnats. As suggested I hear Neem works well.

The best trick I have found is to top your soil with 1 inch or so of construction sand from home depot. It stopped my problem within days. It drys out the top layer of soil so the bug eggs can't survive.

Many soils come with a helping of bugs so whenever i transplant I add the sand as a precaution.

Kush Knight

Well-Known Member
Major harware stores will sell the yellow, sticky traps. They work ok, but if they touch your plant then you'll tear the leaves.
I had a spray from my hydro store. It really didn't work on gnats. As suggested I hear Neem works well.

The best trick I have found is to top your soil with 1 inch or so of construction sand from home depot. It stopped my problem within days. It drys out the top layer of soil so the bug eggs can't survive.

Many soils come with a helping of bugs so whenever i transplant I add the sand as a precaution.
EXACTLY. sand on soil, neem and lemon oil on leaves, insect frass in soil, (cayenne, ghost, carolina reaper) pepper water on leaves.


Well-Known Member
Cider washing up liquid with chunk of pear roll an orange peace of card into a funnel tape round jar opening leave in centre of grow room don't try combat the lavai in soil to break the cycle you need to trap the adults putting fish tank gravel into the top of your pots stops anymore cycles starting 8 days you be clean the little bastards can't resist the fruit cider cocktail the washing up liquid breaks the service tension of the water stopping them from being able to walk on liquid 8 days all over bru trust


Well-Known Member
White Flies Are a Thing Of the Past For Me Now, by resinryder @ icmag.com


I have been fighting white flies for quite some time and nothing has knocked the down. Seems no matter what I did they just came back stronger and thicker.
That is until a couple of weeks ago!!!
Remembered something I heard some years ago. Now after 3 applications my white fly problems is a thing of the past.
What is this miracle not available in stores you ask?????
Very simple and you probably have it in your medicine cabinet..
HYDROGEN PEROXIDE. That's right. Hydrogen peroxide.
Use 3 cups of water, 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide, and a few drops of dish soap. Pour it in your spray bottle, shake it up, and spray your white fly problem away. Spray the tops and bottoms of the leaves and the top layer of the medium. Use once a week for 3 weeks. I hardly saw anything after 2 weeks but I gave them a 3rd treatment just as a precaution. Apparently the hydrogen peroxide kills the egg sac and eradicates this pest right at it most vulnerable point. After 3 applications I am free of this aggravating flying satan. I made up a new solution each time I sprayed as the peroxide breaks down and looses it's potency.
Now I'm wondering if this solution will kill spider mite eggs too, but I'm not introducing them into my garden to find out.lol
Hope this helped someone.