Tiny white worms in reservoir


Well-Known Member
Was wondering if anyone has came across small white worms in reservoir. They arent any thicker than the thickness of a finger nail...can be around 1/8 to 1/4 inch long. Any idea what these are? Beneficial/desctructive?
I only see them at the bottom of the flood table after it drains...


Well-Known Member
You're going to walk in there one morning and some chemical crzed giant worm is going to swallow you whole.


Well-Known Member
congrats on figuring it out?
I thought they were sort of microscopic. Maby you could see them under a magnifying glass is my thoughts but possibly with the naked eye?
You may be correct though as there are different kinds of nematodes I'm sure
I have heard of those little worms in nute tanks though.
Always wondered why you need to run such large batches of nutes that you have stuff growing in the tank
Sure there must be one but I haven't run a hydro so that's why I don't understand.
Seems odd though to throw out solution that has been allowed to go anarobic.
Must be a better way than that
I hate waste of any kind

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
as long as youre not using organic nutrients, you can use a h2o2 regiment to kill off pathogens in your res.


Well-Known Member
I don't know but I don't think I would be sticking my hand in there!!!

LoL, These are microscopic x525 and found at the bottom of the sea near hot vents....


Active Member
im pretty sure those little bastards love to eat roots! i get them every once in awhile on my air lines in my dwc system. its warm, moist and a good breading ground. look like mini maggots???


Well-Known Member
I don't use a big resavoir so I don't have any experience here but if I did I would use a plastic trash bag to line the inside of the resevoir and once in a while I would simply change the liner and VOILA!!! No more bugs, pathogens, NADDA!! I don't like washing shtuff and h202 ain't all that cheap


Well-Known Member
are you sure nematodes are microscopic not usually as big as you said
there are hundreds of thousands of different variety of nematodes. some are visible to the naked eye.
congrats on figuring it out?
I thought they were sort of microscopic. Maby you could see them under a magnifying glass is my thoughts but possibly with the naked eye?
You may be correct though as there are different kinds of nematodes I'm sure
I have heard of those little worms in nute tanks though.
Always wondered why you need to run such large batches of nutes that you have stuff growing in the tank
Sure there must be one but I haven't run a hydro so that's why I don't understand.
Seems odd though to throw out solution that has been allowed to go anarobic.
Must be a better way than that
I hate waste of any kind
yea it is wierd...
as long as youre not using organic nutrients, you can use a h2o2 regiment to kill off pathogens in your res.
hey cb whats up, i am growing with botanicare which is organic and synthetic. not using h202 this round.
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I don't know but I don't think I would be sticking my hand in there!!!

LoL, These are microscopic x525 and found at the bottom of the sea near hot vents....
read a little bit more...
im pretty sure those little bastards love to eat roots! i get them every once in awhile on my air lines in my dwc system. its warm, moist and a good breading ground. look like mini maggots???
yes some nematodes are beneficial some arent. some eat insects, some eat roots, some eat bacteria/fungi etc.
I don't use a big resavoir so I don't have any experience here but if I did I would use a plastic trash bag to line the inside of the resevoir and once in a while I would simply change the liner and VOILA!!! No more bugs, pathogens, NADDA!! I don't like washing shtuff and h202 ain't all that cheap
good idea. thanks.


Well-Known Member
there are hundreds of thousands of different variety of nematodes. some are visible to the naked eye.

yea it is wierd...

hey cb whats up, i am growing with botanicare which is organic and synthetic. not using h202 this round.

read a little bit more...

yes some nematodes are beneficial some arent. some eat insects, some eat roots, some eat bacteria/fungi etc.

good idea. thanks.


I'll be dipped............Hah!!