tiny yield=EXTREMELY frustrated


Active Member
fuck ventelating if he hasnt done it by now theres gota be a reason just get like 2 or 3 of those fans that turn back and forth and a co2 system or sleep in the basement :P i grow in my room ( well i grow in like 5 places but some is still in my room its a mutually benifitial situation they get a bunch of c02 since humans make a lot of c02 and i sleep better since they make oxogen i actually noticed sleeping better even tho it was bright wich usually would have made sleep worse


Active Member
Okay...here's my suggestion. I'm going to go ahead and assume that you've read the advice of our other RIU members, and I think this is a new idea for you guys...

You said you moved your grow room from the attic to the basement. Your attic floor was relatively warm. Your basement floor is probably far colder. If you can find a way to warm the floor, or keep your plants farther off of it, then I will assure you that your yield will improve. Perhaps lay down a few blankets, just enough to keep the plants away from the cold ground.

Hope this helps!
~Sra. Green


Active Member
if ur gunna do that i would suggest getting a large plywood sheet and make a large box out of 2by4s then nail the board to the box use it as a floor kinda like a when u see a half constructed wall at a home construction that kinda 2by4 frame then just take that board and u got a insilater if need be u could fill it with a real (pink) insilater maybe durring the winter time Extreme Grow Room Make Over Part 1 like what these guys did i think im gunna go ghetto and just take a pallet and seal it up for air insilater when the weather gets colder