tip of clone browning, normal or not?

the tip of the clones i took have started to brown up a little bit where i cut them. i used a clean sharp razor blade and cut it at a 45 degree angle. i have them in a aeroponic type clone machine, this is the first time ive tried rooting a clone in this type of machine. is it normal for the cut end to get slightly brown? if not what could be the problem?


re cut and re dip in your rooting juice. try giving them a little more air as long as your still nice green up top its not too late.. just cut enough back to see white again. and sit back and hope.. also watch how humid you keep them. I found that if i starve them a little the roots take off looking for water..

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
keep it going and see what happens? i take it this type of clonert leaves the stem exposed to the air or water or something? if so i'd have thought that would be kinda normal


Well-Known Member
How long has it been in there? 6 hours?? Stop looking for roots so soon!! Leave em alone and go back in 3 days. The cut tips always blow up and turn color before they make roots.
what is recutting it going to do? what was my problem the first time for it to brown up, and if i dont change anything and just cut it again, wouldnt it more than likely do the same thing?
leaves look great..... just the cut end is browning up..... never been able to see the cut end before, always put them in soil. the cut end browning up seemed like something that would be normal, i was just hoping someone could confirm.......
i know they are going to take at least 5 days to show rooting typically, i just checked for the hell of it, and the cut end was a little brown..... just wanted to know if this was typical.... thanks for the help everyone....


i use rock wool and i check my tips every 3 or 4 days. (when you have 200 to 400 at a time) i don't take chances do a quick re cut and re dip. but 2 days is a little early i do agree. good keeping tabs on them though. I love watching my grass grow..
i know its only been 2 days, i knowwwwwwwwwwwwwww...... i just want to know if the browning is typical! does anyone else think re-cutting is necessary?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member

just grow the thing another week, if nothing then, then maybe get concerned about the brown. it's a 2 day old clone, you say you know this but you don't seem to be apreciating this.

Just grow the thing another week, if nothing then, then maybe get concerned about the brown. It's a 2 day old clone, you say you know this but you don't seem to be apreciating this.

i appreciate this fact! I only wanted to know if the browning is typical, im not too worried just curious!!! Forget it....... Jesus butt fucking christ

Dude I answered you in my first reply.

I said "The cut tips always blow up and turn color before they make roots."

Should I have said "brown" to make it any more clear?

jesus butt fucking christ man :weed:

i had 3 people saying 3 different things like usual.... so i was looking for some sort of consensus on the issue. :hump:

anyways.... thanks +
Just wanted to finalize this thread for anyone that may have the same question in the future. This was my first time trying an aeroponic type clone machine, so i wasn't sure what to exactly expect. Hotwire and tiptop were correct, there was nothing wrong, they started rooting after around 6-7 days. i didn't use any cloning gel or rooting hormones, just tap water ph'ed to around 6.5. 100% of them have rooted thus far. I made this cloning machine out of a 3 1/2 gallon bucket with a water pump hooked up to some PVC parts with sprayers and what not. found the DIY thread on another forum. it cost me under 40$ in parts from my local hydroponic store and some shit from home depot. Couldn't be happier with the results for the small amount of effort, time, and money I've invested. If anyone else would like to find it type "lets build a clone machine, step by step guide" into google. its an extremely easy project, with great benefits.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
good to hear. sounds likme it's the same traits regardless of medium/method then i guess. from what i've seen and read, once the leaves start to yellow/brown, this is when the plant is nabbing all the energy available and putting it into the roots.

what strain(s) ya got going then? :)
good to hear. sounds likme it's the same traits regardless of medium/method then i guess. from what i've seen and read, once the leaves start to yellow/brown, this is when the plant is nabbing all the energy available and putting it into the roots.

what strain(s) ya got going then? :)

yea ive seen the same thing, but mine stayed nice and green the whole time, haven't yellowed at all. roots have developed, going to let them stay in there for a couple more days. i have super lemon haze, cheese, vanilla kush, and strawberry haze all going right now, only the SLH and VK are flowering currently.
ive read a lot of shit about people saying greenhouse and barneys farm buy the cannabis cup, but these strains have grown very nicely, and i've had a lot of success with their strains(sweet tooth and laughing buddha) in the past. im guessing even if these guys promoted their shit way more than everyone else, they wouldnt win if they were not good. im sure there are better strains, but i guess i was bought off like everyone else......