Tips Curling?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering causes the tips of the plants to yellow and "curl" up, kind of rolling over. My thoughts are light/heat issues, but I wanted a second opinion.

I can post pictures tomorrow.


High heat more then likely. Just had the same problem myself and making sure a fan was blowing my fan leaves fixed it.


Well-Known Member
I left my USB cord at my friends house, so pictures can't happen until tomorrow, sorry :P

And about the heat, I'm going to go place my thermometer in there and see what it's looking like, I'll post the temperature in a bit.


Well-Known Member
Dont bother with a thermometer. Put your hand above the plant tops. Is it warm or hot? If yes, move the lights up. :) If not, your temps are fine!


Well-Known Member
Temps ranged from 70-77, humidity stayed near 40%. Heat stress doesn't seem to be the issue, at least not unless it was hot at the time, and isn't now :P

Any other reasons that it would do that, or is it bottom line heat stress from days ago? I'll still be posting pictures asap.


Well-Known Member
Yea dude your asking us all to score a sports game without knowing what game we're playing. Pot isnt just pot, its all different for growing and environment and strains......... When you have pictures, then we can help, till then you are asking us to *speculate* which may lead to the *incorrect* and *harmful* advice to your plants. We wanna help not hurt!!! :)

BTW -- Have fun with Penis Envy. Its a fun one. :)


Well-Known Member
Yea dude your asking us all to score a sports game without knowing what game we're playing. Pot isnt just pot, its all different for growing and environment and strains......... When you have pictures, then we can help, till then you are asking us to *speculate* which may lead to the *incorrect* and *harmful* advice to your plants. We wanna help not hurt!!! :)

BTW -- Have fun with Penis Envy. Its a fun one. :)
Basically I was asking for a speculation until I get pictures up, I'm not altering my plants until I get a confirmed answer though. I appreciate your help, and all my APE's went down hill, now I got some syringes of Ecuador ready to go :P


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's a deficiency, but then again that's why I'm asking y'all :P

The only parts of the picture to focus on is the tips, where they curl and yellow. The other coloring is just the purple pheno.

I feed them the recommended dosage of the FoxFarm trio every other watering (maybe once a week, if that).


Well-Known Member
how far in are they .. you verified that the ph is in the correct range.. and your making sure there is no build up in the soil?


Well-Known Member
I haven't checked pH since the first watering, and not sure about a buildup.

They are 6 weeks and 6 days into flowering.


Well-Known Member
are you feeding? You have to verify ph every watering .. if its out of range plant cant absorb the nutes from the soil.. its called lock out. Also looks like its pretty hot in the room.. what are the temps?


Well-Known Member
Temps range pretty low, from 59-72 degrees. I feed them every other watering with the recommended dosage of the FF trio. I have the pH kit and know about lockout, I just haven't used it (pure laziness :\). My lesson has sure been learned about pH, even if it isn't the cause it would help to find the real problem.

Here's what I've gathered as possible issues thus far:

pH issues (lockout)

Heat stress from before I had my thermometer in there (not too likely, it's been cold and the plants were turning purple at the same time of this issue, which was said to be caused by low temperatures.)

Potassium/Phosphorus deficiency

Any input would be highly appreciated for possible solutions. Harvest is in ~2 weeks so it would still help for my next grow (which is going to be Fruity Chronic Juice).


Well-Known Member
you have to make sure your ph is in range.. nutrients can only be absorbed within a certain ph range.... if the ph goes above or below that .. they will be locked out ..