tips for losing weight


Lost 15 pounds. BUT I developed a bit of a bad habit. I just like to take it before work. Too bad I work all the time. Lol
i dont like london, i know you dont believe me, my record was so bad that only this uni would accept me, also i wanted to get away from my old life, i have what i came for, now ive moved on, also this place has a local hydro shop so i can get my grow supplies wenever i need, i mainly chose this place coz it was silent(kinda backfired) after the constant pace of london life i just wanted to get away study have some fun like a normal 18 yr old, which is why i say im 18, i also tell people im from north london lol the biggest prob is i know no one and there are already the lil cliques so the only people around me are people lookin to get free draws, every time i find a nice girl i bring her back she sees all my stuff and automatically wants sex and the big breakfast and me to buy her shit and i cant stand that, the only good thing bout my life is i buy almost anything i want, im surrounded by a digital world yet all this stuff means nothing without good friends. i got a letter sent to me by my mum that 2 of my real mates r goin down afetr bein caught with 2 keys, the grower simply dissapeared. i am alone, im not rreally enjoying it, in the words of marley, "money cant buy life"

ukgrower i just like winding ya up m8 thats all dont take it to heart and you have posted some crazy shit in the past lol you do seem to get depressed abit tho geezer n thats not good at ur age, i love the weed but in the next breath weed aint life! weed fucks wid ya mind when you toke like you say ya do i no this cause ive smoked silly amounts everyday ontop of other drugs yeah but point is ended pretty fucking mental in hospital the nut house!

try not too smoke so much lose some weight n get out there n pull some birds ur in uni m8 them girls are gagging for it! im abit pissed n rambling but just sayin theres more to life than weed at ur age n weed is part of your depression not the cure.
One thing to keep in mind is you don't get overweigh overnight.
Its like a thermometer of your lifestyle and dietary choices.
Learning about what you eat and what your body actualy requires and small things like humping, or takeing, the stairs, combined with healthy food intake (without preservatives and additives or substitutes, and preferably salt) is important.
The subsequent change in behaviour due to haveing a new set of data from which to operate, will in return in the long run show on your physique again.

Also I feel the need t orepeat the importance of regular meal intervals of maybe 3 hours, even if its just an apple or something, this allows your body to feel secure in its nutrients, and sends it the signal that it is OK to burn them rather than store them for famine.