tips of leaves bending down, why?


Well-Known Member
the claw can be a sign of nute burn, but in your case i think itmay be a case of lights too close!! when the leaves curl upwards on edges that is also a sign of moisture stress an the plants does it to retain some moisture in the leaves? i find big hps lights need to be at least 14 " away frm tops due to the intensity..... jus some pointers for u 2 consider!! hope it helps
its bout 6 inches from a 150 watt hps
temp is 75-80 in day 70-75 at night
fed once with miracle grow nutes at 1/4 strength, couple weeks ago or so, and again this morning
soil is old miracle grow 3 month shit.. but its like 9 months old, it shouldnt be releasing anything.
ph unknown,. i don't have a tester. i leave my water out for a few days before watering though.


Well-Known Member
i wud check ya ph.... although i dont think its related to this prob, bt still it is important. 6" is a bit close m8 drop it back a little .. not too much maybe just to 10-12" u dont lose lumens till u take it further than a foot away.. are the affected leaves all at the top?
mostly near the top, but not at it.
i dont have a ph tester :(

and now after watering with nutes today, the whole plant is starting to look a lil droopy.. is it overwatered??


Well-Known Member
if drooping m8 after watering then yes iwould say so... let her dry out for a week, i normally water once every 5 days or when the pot feels v light.. u can gt an aquarium ph test kit for about 4 quid, they r gd enuff, but u must have a gd ph level in ya taps as the foliage looks healthy

First the claw is nute overload. Generally its just a warning that it does not need any more nutes because if you do that part will brown and die. As far as the curling of the leaves...when a plant is to close to the lights it will fold up on the edges to conserve moisture. The edges will be very jagged.

Ok a little help from experience. It is your water. You need to get a PH tester. Some fertilizers can drop the PH of your water to 2-3. Guaranteed this is a PH problem.

Get a Hanna PH tester for $30 off ebay, you will never have issues like this again.


Active Member
red cabbage crushed and soaked in water is a good one. the resulting liquid after draining the bits will indicate ph.


Well-Known Member
gots some blackberry, the leaves are curlin down a tad, only at the edges. they otherwise look great. use coco, 5.8 with house and garden coco A nad B. used them before so this a new one. mad props to any advise. its not ganic but h and G is good stuff. recomend to those who havent ......