Tips of newly formed buds turning orange.


Hi all only on my pineapple chunk am I getting orange tips on some of the bud hairs.

It is only on some of the buds of the plants say about 5 in total the rest of the plant is fine and it seems too young to be maturing the hairs yet.

The heat is fine and its on the lower branches.

I have attached a photo of problem buds on the plant as well as good one from a branch up.

Any ideas on what this is would be a big help thanks.


Link to my grow journal:


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about it too much. let her go for another week and see what its doing. as long as your not over feeding/watering, under watering, have enough air movement, and fresh air coming in and out (unless running co2), have a bug issue, or pm/mold/mildew, then all should be good. mine turned orange as the weeks went by.


Thanks buddy that is reassuring. All of the above is checked off and doing well so hopefully this isn't anything more then me looking too closely.


Well-Known Member
Pistils will brown and new pistils will appear throughout the entire flowering process, some strands do this more then others


I figured out what the problem was. So apparently if you have a fan directly blowing on the pistils constantly they dry out and turn orange.

I had changed fans before this had happened and it only happened on one side where the fan was blowing hard and not ocalating. I have now swapped back to the other fan that swings and is not directly blowing on one part.