And I see you are a fucking idiot as well. Look at my grammar and dont worry about the saint drug dealer who thinks he's a DR. If I get a card it's between me and my DR., this fucktard OP has no say and should just worry if they have a card or not. The cops can only check to see if a card is valid and not what the medical condition is as its private. Just because you cant see a medical condition doesnt mean they dont have one.
STUPID PEOPLE MAKE ME MAD Mr. Grammar officer.
Read the law, live the law and mind your own fucking business.
PS. Its a weed form jackass not a grammar or spelling test.
Mind my OUR own fucking business? You come into my thread ranting and raving without reading more than the first post then you ignorantly spew hate at anyone who will give you the chance, but
BUDDY and I need to mind
OUR OWN fucking business? I have invested thousands of dollars and countless hours into my garden and it is VERY expensive for me to maintain that garden. I can provide whoever the fuck I please with
MY medicine.
ONLY I choose who my patients are, and if I decide I'm sick of dealing with shady bastards, I will stop dealing with shady bastards. Plain and simple. I've put too much time, energy, and money into what I do to get into unnecessary drama that loud, obnoxious, shady bastards always bring to me. I am a professional and I expect people who use my meds to be professional. Not brag to me about how you were going to break into your old caregivers garden.
For some reason I can't shake the premonition that you are one of the types this thread is about.
Why you so mad bro?