Tips soil (water draining)???


Active Member
Hi all,

i will be having about 20-30 plants and using rectangular 3gallon bags. when i water them the water will continually come out of the bags; this water is full of expensive nutrients etc what should i do?

a friend of mine did the same but just used a liquid vacuum and had to move the plants and sweep alot in the dark lol. what are some strategies with indoor soil to minimize mess and maximize efficiency of resources?

mucho gusto!

Bill Nye that silly science guy


Active Member
Find Some Cheap Plastic Trays To Put Under Them...That Can Hold The Water Thats Runs Off When You Water, And Most Chances Will Soak Back Into The Soil/Bag Minutes Later.


Active Member
A tray will help control the mess but you want the water to run out, and stay out. It helps remove excess nutrient build up which can throw the PH level of the soil off and kill the plants! Generally if you have 20-30 plants watering wont be a quick task and could take around 30min or longer. :weed:


Well-Known Member
I use 3 by 3 trays when I used to do hydro years ago. I leave the holes open so the water irrigates out to a small reservoir.