Tiresias Mist? feminized seeds?

SSSSooooooo i am thinking about making some feminized seeds and i was curious as to if anyone has used this stuff Tiresias Mist i found it online and i wanted to know if its the real deal……

Question 1 - You take a female plant and you make it flower for about 3 weeks but during that time you spray this Tiresias Mist stuff on it once or twice a day and then you female plant will produce pollen sacs full of female pollen?????

Question 2 - I have a few Oak Town Crip female plants and wanted to use this Tiresias Mist stuff on one my clones and getting all female pollen from it. If thats that case can i just pollenate my other female Oak Town Crips with the Feminized Oaktown crop pollen? so its like crossing with with it self again????


I followed the colloidal silver in 90 minutes guide on here in DIY section took me longer than 90 mins but i accomplished it still never used it tho as not got a spare isolation room set yet


Well-Known Member
Any silver will work. CS, silver nitrate etc. TM is like 20 bucks and you only get an ounce. Barely enough for one good branch. For that same 20 bucks you could pickup 6oz of 500ppm Coloidal Silver and mix it to strength yourself. Tons of journals and how-to's around here about F1s too.