Tissue Culture/DNA transformations


Well-Known Member
None of this is going to be for sale. If it works it'll save me a bundle of cash growing my own fields of FrankenPot... I might give it away. It probably won't work, so I'm not betting the farm on it or getting my hopes up too high. I'm having fun playing God and if something comes from it, bonus!

bummer... well, if you change your mind, you know where to find me...



Well-Known Member
bummer... well, if you change your mind, you know where to find me...

I thought about it and selling seeds would be too big of a hassle. I got so much shit when I told people I grew decent buds with LEDs, there's no way I'm going to open this can of worms. If I come up with anything decent, I will share either seeds or clones with others that I know can grow regular pot, and grow it well...

We'll see what happens. Who knows where this will go. I bought a miniture lemon tree to try and make tissue cultures of as well. If the house plants show any promise, I may try it with some of the lemon tree cells too. But all that is going to take time, but if you want to be considered when and if there is something to share, get a grow log posted somewhere, if you haven't already.



Well-Known Member
I thought about it and selling seeds would be too big of a hassle. I got so much shit when I told people I grew decent buds with LEDs, there's no way I'm going to open this can of worms. If I come up with anything decent, I will share either seeds or clones with others that I know can grow regular pot, and grow it well...

We'll see what happens. Who knows where this will go. I bought a miniture lemon tree to try and make tissue cultures of as well. If the house plants show any promise, I may try it with some of the lemon tree cells too. But all that is going to take time, but if you want to be considered when and if there is something to share, get a grow log posted somewhere, if you haven't already.

I'm one of those people that says, "hey, even though i'm not gonna use LEDs, i think its awesome that you do. tell me whats good and bad about it".

and on the grow journal thing, i know this is all confidential and all, but i had an encounter with a non-marijuana issue. i learned the hard way that everything you do and post on the internet stays on the internet somewhere, no matter what you do. i just don't feel completely comfortable posting pictures that could eventually be traced back to me. one day i will, but it won't be for a while... :-(

and if thats not convincing enough for ya, then i don't know what will. :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
I'm one of those people that says, "hey, even though i'm not gonna use LEDs, i think its awesome that you do. tell me whats good and bad about it".

and on the grow journal thing, i know this is all confidential and all, but i had an encounter with a non-marijuana issue. i learned the hard way that everything you do and post on the internet stays on the internet somewhere, no matter what you do. i just don't feel completely comfortable posting pictures that could eventually be traced back to me. one day i will, but it won't be for a while... :-(

and if thats not convincing enough for ya, then i don't know what will. :bigjoint:

I can understand that. I'm still only going to share with proven growers, but anyone I share with will be free to share with others as they see fit.



Well-Known Member
nice keep us up to date should start a grow log just to let us now how its going with the whole thing I was lookin into this but with the smell there was a news report about a french group that has been able to insert genes into almost any plant to change the smell to another. i'll find the link


Well-Known Member
nice keep us up to date should start a grow log just to let us now how its going with the whole thing I was lookin into this but with the smell there was a news report about a french group that has been able to insert genes into almost any plant to change the smell to another. i'll find the link
You ever find that link?

My stuff is moving along. Its pretty slow going. I've just started growing out the first batch...

Here's a few pics...



Well-Known Member
maybe you can increase teh smell of pot 10 fold fuck that would be awesome call it the stank or insert the smell of rose in to pot or god knwos the combination I did have alink to a paper wrtitten in more detail but cant find it if you google around you mihg tbe ablt to see how they did it


Active Member
Loki, you are nuts to trying to transfer the entire genome of proteins coding for secondary metabolic production and trichrome structural proteins. To sequence and identify the sets of genes responcible is one thing, then inserting all of them into a transposon to insert into another plant (all at an at home lab) is madness. You have nice equipment, but a project such as the one you plan to undertake requires a large number of people and years of work.


Active Member
you just cant just randomly insert DNA into plant embryos by having it in the environment, and in the absenc e of high concentrations of endonuclease, atleast,