TMB's Indoor 4'x4' Veg Tent & 7'X11' Flowering Area


Well-Known Member
Another plant from a 3 gallon pot.....The Purps, A light weight at 17.7g, I was hoping for something in the 20's, but it's grade A+ smoke. She was cloned on 1/22, had 5 weeks to veg, so 17g is nothing to be bummed about.

Total weight so far is 67.9g, they were 3 of my 5 smallest plants. The middle weights and heavy weights will be weighing in this weekend.


Well-Known Member
The 2nd Strawberry Cough X Deep Chunk in the 7 gallon container weight in at 54.3g for a total of 122.2g from 4 plants.


Well-Known Member
Everything is off the racks and into jars now.I weighted the contents and here's the results....
Chemo Cindy 20.4g
Strawberry Cough X Deep Chunk 84.1
The Purps 17.7g
Shiva skunk 82 g
Mind Bender X Afghangooey 84g
BlackBerry Kush X NCGB 121.8g
Sour Diesel 40g
Lemon Purps 439g
For a total harvest of 889g or 31.75oz, a Quarter oz shy of 2lbs. There is another Mind Bender x afghangooey in the garden that will be harvested in 7-10 days. I will harvest the nicest buds ( 10g-15g) and try to re-veg the rest.
I did measure on the light side on a few strains 82g was 84.2, the LP was under cut a bit so I will give my self credit for a 2 lb + harvest.