TM's 3K OP...version 2.0

well being itz 09 doubt they still selling that model.. ill check out the sonys they gonna look at alll brands and take the best macro camera...
all ican say is my hommie has the ezcloner, i had excperince with it...and its really a top shelf unit. its plastic casing can be abused ..and its bulletproof.. basically ur mustang, but your mustang saleen with Z rated tires, and 6 speed manual, chipped , with cold air and exhaust, u dig? all the other imatations are like a humidity dome, once dog paw resting on it, and its broken.
all ican say is my hommie has the ezcloner, i had excperince with it...and its really a top shelf unit. its plastic casing can be abused ..and its bulletproof.. basically ur mustang, but your mustang saleen with Z rated tires, and 6 speed manual, chipped , with cold air and exhaust, u dig? all the other imatations are like a humidity dome, once dog paw resting on it, and its broken.

Exactly. I thinks its fucked for high times to disguise advertisements as informational articles. My point is high times is willing to print an article using its credibility to push it as "the best cloner" without showing any other cloners .

The article was almost word for word the sales pitch from the website...
man i just found this fdd youtube vid.had to post it.. such sick plants worth every minute of viewing time

HOLY FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IN AWE I mean there aren't even words to describe it..... those are fucking monsters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ya for real... i cant wait till i can have my outdoor, maybe soon as nexxt year, if i an afford the new privacy fence..
i picture ur town nice a quiet SS..seems like a nice place..

it is... well sort of.. it depends on the crowd you know or who you hang out with.. its REALLY bad with meth around here... a lot a lot a lot of tweakers... so as long as you avoid knowing the tweakers and coke heads and those people you get left alone.. its just... everyone knows everyone even if you dont actually know them.. a lot of talking and shit.. so if you keep to yourself and dont let out your business its really a quiet nice place to live.. otherwise the cops are up your ass..
it is... well sort of.. it depends on the crowd you know or who you hang out with.. its REALLY bad with meth around here... a lot a lot a lot of tweakers... so as long as you avoid knowing the tweakers and coke heads and those people you get left alone.. its just... everyone knows everyone even if you dont actually know them.. a lot of talking and shit.. so if you keep to yourself and dont let out your business its really a quiet nice place to live.. otherwise the cops are up your ass..
same here, the road right behinde me is a crank road... lots of crankand dumb asstweekers in my little town of charelston Oregon... thats ok cuz if it wazint for the tweekers i would have no one to beat up....LOL :hump: its what keepsme going.....LOL
the tweekers here dont leave there houses.. there are problems with them cause they just stay home.. except for the times they need more meth or go drink at the bars.. only way the cops know who they are is word of mouth, the few run ins that actually happen during the day/in public (the rest are just house raids), or the fact they are the only houses with all their lights on ALL the time...
ahhh theres alot of that up here too... . havent people seen there destiny on that shit, by looking at toothless bums with shopping carts in the major citys. That shit is evil.