if it makes a room so sterile the does that mean the room is a bug free room also..the ozone generator pretty much makes the air as sterile as a hospital room.. it removes all odor, mold, mildew, fungus, ect from the air... and in the right timer modes and shit can make your place smell like it just rained.. but thats a lot of work to get it there... playing with timers and shit.. but yea.. thing works great..
did you say you were replacing the air line in the airstone or just getting a new one all together?? hope it wasnt fucked up for ya or anything... good call with them sprayer heads tho.. like i said.. i tried to clean them out best i could.. but probably could have spent a little more time for ya... you can kick me in the shins or something...
still no pics bro....hows things this morning for ya..
the ozone generator pretty much makes the air as sterile as a hospital room.. it removes all odor, mold, mildew, fungus, ect from the air... and in the right timer modes and shit can make your place smell like it just rained.. but thats a lot of work to get it there... playing with timers and shit.. but yea.. thing works great..
did you say you were replacing the air line in the airstone or just getting a new one all together?? hope it wasnt fucked up for ya or anything... good call with them sprayer heads tho.. like i said.. i tried to clean them out best i could.. but probably could have spent a little more time for ya... you can kick me in the shins or something...
May I suggest a peek at Heaths latest update... a second go at his 2 gram per watt machine..
86 lollies on a single 600HPS..
Heaths flooded tube vertical.
warrenty on camera came in.. stopping to pick a new 1 up here tonight.. wont have a update for a few days most likely..
my girls water broke at work during her final days ...well sunday was her last day be4 her leave..but ya it broke this afternoon. im out. wish our baby luck!!!
May I suggest a peek at Heaths latest update... a second go at his 2 gram per watt machine..
86 lollies on a single 600HPS..
Heaths flooded tube vertical.
my old ladies stuck in the hospital for least a week... our baby due sep 2, will be premature.. shes 33 weeks now.. anything past 36-38 weeks is considered full term.. her water broke ...so shes under observation..and there hoping to let the baby chill and develop more solid lungs be4 she has it, so 8 days in the hospital than a secsection, then the baby has to stay under a oxygen hood for 2-4 weeks be4 she can come home.. oh man..wut a day..
okay home now with pic capability..soo veg room update, than bud room...
damn... hope everything is ok bro..