To All Larger-Scale Apartment Growers! New Cali Resident!


Well-Known Member
well I just moved here from Arizona to Santa Cruz County, California and just got my medical card some and my gf are moving into our new place tomorrow. our county guidelines have no plant restrictions only 3 pounds per patient and 100 sq ft of canopy per patient. That means legally we can have 200sq ft of canopy and 6# legally. Naturally we want to grow our entire years supply in one period as any true medi grower would and I dont want to have to fux with it all year long you know?? my only problem is we are in a 2 bed 2 bath apt with no AC with summer coming up which kinda sucks. Anyways I have lots of experience my only worry is that I may use too much electricity for our apt considering it has no AC but does have electric appliances and washer and dryer. I will be doing a vertical setup and thinking 2k or 3k. if anyone is out there doing 4k safely I would nut myself.

Long story short I have seen a couple of you apt growers with 2-3k setups in cali and was wonderin how that is workin out and how safe it is? I will be staying legal however I do not want to attract any attention from the feds.
im in a 2 bed 2 bath 1000sq ft and im assuming it stays pretty cool considering it is located right off the ocean. any info appreciated.!!



Active Member
I would do 2 1k's at the max in an appartment. Buy an ac unit you can plug into an outlet. Please do not go overboard and take advantage of the so called "legal limits" you can still get busted with your docs rec and card.


Well-Known Member
I would do 2 1k's at the max in an appartment. Buy an ac unit you can plug into an outlet. Please do not go overboard and take advantage of the so called "legal limits" you can still get busted with your docs rec and card.
i dont plan on abusing the legal limits I want to abide by them. I totally understand that it is still illegal on a federal level but with a medi card i will only be worrying about locals and I will be comfortably within the legal county limits.

That being said I was in the same boat assuming 1k per bedroom but I think I am going to try 4 600w since I will not be having a veg area or anything like that, just buying clones and directly flowering them.


Well-Known Member
how do you get these med cards? I know about it but thats it. What different things can qualify you?
basically any condition that justifies it.. sleep disorder, anxiety, depression, chronic pain... contact a physician and get a diagnosis, or go see a "pot doc" and have them give you a script and file for a card. viola


Active Member

if a county dosnt have a written limit to grow, its 12 immature, and 6 mature per patient. just lettin ya know man


Well-Known Member
ya like here in santa cruz county no plant limit no wattage limit 3 lbs per patient and 100 sq ft of canopy


Well-Known Member
Yep. I might be heading to SC next year too. I'd also probably do a grow size like yours. Its just one of me with a card tho, so I'm probably gonna live in a 2 bedroom place, and set up one room for grow, and live in the other room with a buddy.

I was thinking about doing a 2 week harvest grow like Al B. Fuct's, with 4 different flood tables, and either 4 aircooled 600s, or if the technology emerges, 4 higher powered Procyon's LED lights.

You're gonna love Santa Cruz by the way, pretty decent cheap hash at the dispensaries too.


Well-Known Member
Ya Santa Cruz is pretty tight so far, i moved here with my gf from arizona so were gonna be able to do a two person medical grow in our extra bedroom. So nice to be able to make your own meds instead of rely on shady dealers and all that bs.

Anyways im going to be running 4 600w lumateks in a side by side vertical setup. Ill have two six hundreds stacked on top of each other without a hood and basically build two square hydroponic structures around each of the light setups. then ill surround them with walls and mylar and have them vented from the bottom out and scrubbed. Should be pretty sick when i get done with it. Im waiting for all my equip to come in but i will make a thread about my setup whenever i start building it here in a week or so!

If anyone around SC area has the hookups on some babies send me a pm, I want to get some from the clubs but as of now they have alot of sativas and im lookin for some heavy indicas.


Active Member
check out T.L.M.D. in valley village off of magnolia they usually have 25-30 different strains to choose from..OG Kush, GDP etc. also NNCC reseda but they only accept patients on the 15th i believe...


Well-Known Member
buy an a/c unit your going to need it for four six hundred watters. but i have to advise you that you should not exeed a thousand watt lamp per bedroom as too not tip off your meter reader and have him narc on you to the electric company for having a meter spinning like a top.:sad:


Well-Known Member
sounds sweet....

YouTube - Mailbag
some advice
watch this video 3 lights 6 pounds...easy useing the lollypoping technique very diffrent super sick way to grow weed check it out...its perfect for what your trying to would get 6 pounds easy its 2 pounds per 36sqfeet and 1 light....WATCH IT


Well-Known Member
i have no idea where people get these wattage rules for apartments and houses based on number of rooms. using x amount of watts for y amount of rooms is bullshit. i live in a one bedroom, and im using about 3000 watts total power for my grow. why does everyone think the power company is going to rat them out? what do you think they are saying? "holy shit, they are using a GANG LOAD of juice, these people are going to owe us a lot of money!! we better call the police, because we hate getting huge checks from our customers!!" it just aint happening. power companies get huge boners off of people who consumer watts like hummers eat gas. your power company is the last thing you have to worry about, and if the cops EVER take a look at your power usage, then its because they already had a tip-off from something else, and they are just using it to get a more clear picture of your op.

did you say you are getting an AC? thats an extra 1000 watts right there, maybe more. just pay your bill on time, and all will be good. besides, you have the medi card, and you are technically legal. the Fed Gov aint going to be wasting their time on a minor grow like this anyways. even if for some insane reason they did, you wouldnt serve time, you would just get all your stuff jacked.

on a lighter note, my fucking wife left out the soy-milk, and it was all warm and nasty when i poured it on my captain crunch, which made is get soggy almost instantly...i should go crack her skull...


Well-Known Member
Sorry man that is incorrect because the Attorney General of California just recently placed his guidelines for the state. The amount is 12 immature and / or 6 mature plants. The amount of processed is 8 ounces from the previous 3 pounds per year. So, in light of your concern to stay within the limits of the guidelines plan on vegging trees prior to smashing them with HPS lighting to obtain the yield you guys require to last you a good amount of time without doing a perpetual grow. best of luck.


Well-Known Member
each county in California has the option of allowing higher limits, but not lower then the 6/12 law. if you county doesnt state how many you are allowed, then it follows the mandatory 6/12.