to boobie trap or not to boobie trap

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Well-Known Member
plant ur weed in areas of dense thorns bushes....after all when u see thorns do u walk throught them or around? thats my idea


Well-Known Member
nettles, or thorns like z4qqqbs said, or anything else that's jaggy and better to avoid.
or if you wanna go more man-made you could do some covered ditches, or trip wires etc. but i guess they'd signal someone was hiding something more than just a bunch of plants with spikes on them


Active Member
Do not do that.When you plant outside you get great also get thieves.(probably someone you know) As much as it pisses me off,you don't want to hurt anyone. That's a good idea z4.


Well-Known Member
a battery and electric fence or a load of holes covered over with sticks and grass bit of effort but they will work.....peace



Well-Known Member
get a trip wire....with a swinging axe hanging....better yet get 2 so it would be harder to get to the pot....and a moat all around the plant with hungry crocs in there...


Well-Known Member
three prong fishing hooks and strong fishing line tie them all over the place and hook bells to the line thy get hooked and the bell rings it will scare the shit out of them!! OH NO IM GOING TO GET SHOT!! and the hooks dont feel to well!!


Well-Known Member
booby trap as in inflicting significant body harm? not a good idea, this gives growers a bad name
not to mention some VERY bad legal consequences - a cop gets hurt on a grow cut down, well they will really try to find you
now deterrents like thorn bushes is another story, just dissuades anyone from coming too close
best way is to plant several small locations, doesn't take many plants to 'make a meal' from outside grows


New Member
Don't forget the deer running into ur stuff.

Better off with a wireless camera set up. And if the property isn't urs, they'll hang ur arse.


i think the cow bells with a lil fishing string will work leave the fishing hooks out. wireless cam is great too. i like the cow bells cause it doesnt hurt one and if they arnt scared of by the thought of the owner creeping up soon its more then likely cuase its someone u now who knew about the false alarm they KNEW no one would hear the cow bell and come running. that or there were determined to get your shit


Well-Known Member
I just let my dogs run out in my woods... Two 80 pound pitties, and motion lights in the trees keep thief's at bay around here.
...oh and I don't have to mention to the neighbors to stay away. I just let the hail of AR rounds early in the morning on weekends speak for themselves... But that's just me... =)


Active Member
I just let my dogs run out in my woods... Two 80 pound pitties, and motion lights in the trees keep thief's at bay around here.
...oh and I don't have to mention to the neighbors to stay away. I just let the hail of AR rounds early in the morning on weekends speak for themselves... But that's just me... =)
i like your style:)


Well-Known Member
k I got this

Build a moat around your plot, then walls and make it look like a castle. Put alligators and sharks with lazors on thier heads in the water. And make a drawbridge too. Then hire some mexican guys to stand on yur castle walls with bow and arrows. It will be an impenetrable weed base.
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