To Break or Not to Break the Root Ball......


Well-Known Member
So heres another good topic. What are your thoughts on breaking the rootball or not at transplant. Do you shake the old excess dirt off the roots or leave it in the shape it is and transplant as such? I personally knock off the excess, but would like to hear others approach and/or comments on this.


Well-Known Member
I used to cut the long curled roots in the bottom once with a knife befor tansplant.
Now Im using airpruning pots a root curl is a thing of the past..:-P


Rebel From The North
when I did soil at the time of transplant I would beak the root ball up and the plants would bounce back
from the transplant within days


Well-Known Member
LEAVE THEM ALONE. the ROOTS will expand and grow REGARDLESS. its like saying will Completely Defoliating at week 3 help.. o_O Who knows, The PLANT will STILL Grow.


Well-Known Member
I don't intentionally knock off or remove any soil, but I do break it up, sort of uncurl the roots at the bottom and spread 'em out a little.


Well-Known Member
When I transplant I will often times do a little root pruning before I plant. It's easy and I've never had a plant die on me.
I don't remove any soil from the root ball. Just get out the pruners and loosen up those girdling roots. If the plant is really pot bound then I prune a little of the root mass off. Cannabis has a fiberous root system and takes to root pruning well.


Rebel From The North
I found by breaking up the root ball it help spread the roots out and they fan out, seen way better result that way.
when I left them alone the plants were smaller at havest and when I looked at the root, they didnt realy move out
to the sides just down causing a taller plant with less branching. so breaking the root ball and geting a wider root
mass = a more branched out plant. my 2 cents on this matter