to catch a theif


Well-Known Member
Buy a small siren and a transformer and plug in into a motion sensor light with an adapter. Lights and siren will be triggered. And set up a video camera.


Active Member
1. You need to realize that going up against a thief with a stun gun is dangerous. Anything besides a gun is dangerous, because they most likely have a knife or some kind of weapon.

2. Don't do anything to draw attention to yourself. Bear traps are a sure fucking way to draw attention. Asshole tries to steal weed, steps on a bear trap, starts screaming and can't get away. 911 is called. Police get involved and come into your yard (they have the right to if somebody is screaming like that, which the asshole will). They see what he tried to steal. Boom, you're in jail.

3. Shotgun- What happens if you shoot him? Cops get involved. They take a look around your home. They find what he was after. Boom, you're in jail.

So you try to scare him off. You pull a gun on him, with no intention of shooting him. He gets scared and pulls out a gun. He's willing to shoot, you're not.

4. Your best idea? A guard dog, if you can PROPERLY CARE for it. I love dogs, as do many other people on this site. Don't get a dog just to protect your shit. Get one to play with and care for. So if you can give it a lot of attention, get a guard dog (Rottweilers, American Bulldogs, German Shepherds). NOT Pitbulls, probably the sweetest dogs I've ever met.

5. Get some good locks. Lock up your fence (chain locks in the suburbs send off a drug vibe, so if you're in the suburbs, get a more subtle but still strong lock). Keep strong locks on the doors. Don't leave your door unlocked, don't hide keys around the home. Get rid of heavy rocks around the home (easy way to break into a window). Secure the windows with strong locks.