To chop or not to chop? That IS the question


Active Member

This is my first successful grow and I've accidently deleted massive paragraphs 4 times, so forgive me if I'm short I'm blunt. It drain all my enthusiasm. Can't figure out auto save even though it keeps popping up.

Anyway heres some pictures first healthy plant %100 organic. exposed to -0 temps diligently the last couple of days. Let me know how I've done, don't be to harsh lol Sorry for the poor camera work. Anyone wanna take a swing at dry weight?

Thanks for your time RIU!

Copy and pasted this mother f, only took ya four times bud.

20121219_174346.jpg20121219_174609.jpg20121219_174736 (1).jpg20121219_174901.jpg


Active Member
Good thing I was about to visit and pop a post on here. I thought they had maybe 4 days tops. But the white hairs, that are obviously more predominant, do look premature. What do you mean when you say they haven't turned? In colour? It's really hard to tell when they are under the 400w bulb. The HPS spectrum makes it harder to tell colours lol I pull them out and take a wee peek but I have an untrained eye.

I'll keep them going for a couple more weeks hopefully post some pictures on here. I think I'll stop the purple training or at least easy up, I thought she had days left. I just didn't want a cough lock smoke. That's all that seems be going around here.

Thanks for the human scale Zack!!


Active Member
Can anyone better explain the methods used to identify harvest times (I know it's not a precise method) by way of hairs? What does it mean if "the hairs haven't turned"?
ive been deleting mass paragraphs aswell haha. basically the hairs will turn a reddish orange maybe even brownish toward maturity. also look at the tips of the trichomes. they will become a millky white to auburn even. maybe get a scope like dooks suggested or even a magnifine glass or high quality zoomed in pic would do possibly sorry for late reply. good luck


Hey there xsocialx. Hope your doing awesome! As Dookz mentioned investing in a 30x-100x microscope/jewelers loupe/etc is your very bet bet! With this you can view the trichomes on the buds and tell by the color how far along the plant is. You will notice that the trichomes will change in color as they mature. They start out looking clear like water or glass droplets slowly as the days and weeks go by changing to a cloudy/milky color then eventually to an amber color. Depending on the color of the trichomes you will get a different high. The clear trichomes are generally still a little premature and if harvested you will get a very racy heady high. Some like that.... As they get cloudier you will get more of a body buzz and longer lasting affect which is what i aim for. I shoot for roughly 10%clear, 80%cloudy, 10% amber of course strain dependent. I hope this helps you out man. This is the ONLY way to really know how far along your girl is. Id hate for you to chop and not check this way only for the plant to have another 2 weeks and you miss out on a more potent product!! Love and Peace all.