To Harvest or Not To Harvest?


I seem to have a sativa variety. It's on week 11 of flowering. It doesn't look like the little clear balls on stalks(trichomes?) have wilted any or ambered, but most of the female's hairs are red.
Should I harvest now, wait till week 12 or wait till i see an overall change in color of the resin glands?



I waited till week 12, meaning i waited twelve whole weeks in a 12/12 cycle. The trichomes never clouded or wilted, it seems they just shrunk. I didn't flush the plant enough and although it's not harsh to smoke, it doesn't have flavor. There are waay too many red hairs in my opinion and it seems like i may have waited too long till harvest. When vaporized however it tastes ok. The high is headachy. This is my first grow in a long time and it's not as easy as you all make it look. I learn new stuff everyday. Sorry no pics, but just wanted to touch base and tell you all how it turned out. The plant single stalked, never topped yielded 10 grams. Thanks and I love you all!


Exactly, i know it is too late now, but the reason for all the red hairs is because you did not wait for them to recede. If you chop it when it still has basically any white pistils then it is too early.
Either way congrats on your first harvest, i know we make it look easy, but one look at my bank statement or electric bill will show you this is neither easy nor cheap.


Well, I am still learning everyday. Thanks for all the advice. I think my biggest problem is that I stayed in a 44 oz. styrofoam cup. This affected size and bushiness and not in a good way. I use fox farms nutes, but ordered some jacks's to try out as well. I am strarting to experiment a little at a time, so I know exactly what changes are beneficial. I am moving to a 3 gallon pot size to get more bushy and more yield. This I think will be the biggest improvement. I've heard if your not getting at least an Oz. a harvest it's not worth it. I think this is a good motto actually and I have been wasting my time with lots of small plants, when I could do four huge ones...Thanks again and keep up the good work!