to have unflushed bud or overdeveloped bud.whats the better way to go??

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
you must like to pull early because believe me when i pull my stuff down its not ever putting weight on still lol, if it was do you think id be pulling it or flushing it?? thats just asanine and yes i know agricultural organics is organic and synthetic so is cannas organic line. You said it right there your ash is GREY!! theres still stuff in the buds, not truly medical quality, Im sorry im a medical patient and also a caregiver if my patient saw grey ash after he burned his buds he would be pissed. my ash only ever burns white as the whitest snow. You contradict yourself all over that post

Heres food for thought when i grow in soil i dont ever add nutrients.... so theres no need to "flush" because you watch you plant with your scope and you watch the leaves, i never let my plants go def in any way when i flush, if you look at the leaves they look normal purple or green or whatever color the plant happened to change depending on temps and what not, but when i grow in a hydroponic medium i always flush. People take flushing to a whole other level most of the time and go way overboard the point of a flush is to clear your medium of nuts so that the plant absorbs just enough fresh water to drain the capilaries in the plant that transport nutrients to the places they are used. Think of a human body, it would be like taking all your blood in your main arteries and veins and replacing it with something else. Theres still blood in your tissue you didnt suck the body dry so to speak. Same with a plant you go to far and its harmful. Too much of anything is harmful. Use common sense.

When i ran nutrients in soil i would flush on the day i had 40%amber trichs usually depending on strain, Thats when i would cut it if i ran soil and no nutrients i always go 7 days LONGER than needed when i use nutrient solution in a soil grow because the last 7 days is a flush. The soil gets BLASTED with water double the amount the container can hold. If its a five gallon container i hit it with ten gallons to push all the water soluble nutrients out of the soil. Any insoluble nutrients should have been broken down already by the plant. Then i dont water any more. Soil dries out completely in 7 days and i cut. I dont see how thats affecting how large my nugs and how big my yeild is, because if i was hitting it with nutrients then it would be a total waste of time effort and money only to make my buds taste like whatever chemical i was using.

the only time ive EVER had crackling buds is when i have smoked it wet, or un-cured.
i can personally guarantee that you CAN and WILL remove any chemical smell or taste by curing your pot properly.

yes i do use agricultural organics, but if you did a little bit more research you would find out that it is in fact NOT 100% organic and is actually a Synthetic/Organic fusion product.

i strongly disagree with your theory. why would you want to stop feeding your plants in the week when the most weight is put on your product? it just makes no sense at all to me, or some of the other reputable cultivators methods i have followed.

if your pot doesnt crackle, has a smooth taste, and burns clean Grey looking ash, then you have accomplished a proper cure and will have the best quality buds possible.

if you heal snap crackle and pop, find your smoke very harsh, and end up with Black or Blackish Grey looking ash, then you are too impatient to have the best quality smoke your plants can provide you..


Active Member
I guess there is always two schools of thought.I am new and I think have been very diligent and grown what I was set out to grow.I really don't wanna mess things up this far in my first time...I'm almost there hahaha!!Without hands on,everybodies theories and experience sounds valid and correct.Makes it harder almost.That 420 link someone threw up was pretty convincing, so all can do I guess is try em both and pick which I like better personally.without pics noone else can tell me what point I am at.just got go with my gut and learn from my mistakes.After all isn't that what the whole process is about?Learning, getting your own system down and becoming a better grower.It's hard to tell if your flushing/pulling to early/late if you have nothing to compare it to, so the first time you just gotta make an informed practical decision.


Active Member
you must like to pull early because believe me when i pull my stuff down its not ever putting weight on still lol, if it was do you think id be pulling it or flushing it?? thats just asanine and yes i know agricultural organics is organic and synthetic so is cannas organic line. You said it right there your ash is GREY!! theres still stuff in the buds, not truly medical quality, Im sorry im a medical patient and also a caregiver if my patient saw grey ash after he burned his buds he would be pissed. my ash only ever burns white as the whitest snow. You contradict yourself all over that post

Heres food for thought when i grow in soil i dont ever add nutrients.... so theres no need to "flush" because you watch you plant with your scope and you watch the leaves, i never let my plants go def in any way when i flush, if you look at the leaves they look normal purple or green or whatever color the plant happened to change depending on temps and what not, but when i grow in a hydroponic medium i always flush. People take flushing to a whole other level most of the time and go way overboard the point of a flush is to clear your medium of nuts so that the plant absorbs just enough fresh water to drain the capilaries in the plant that transport nutrients to the places they are used. Think of a human body, it would be like taking all your blood in your main arteries and veins and replacing it with something else. Theres still blood in your tissue you didnt suck the body dry so to speak. Same with a plant you go to far and its harmful. Too much of anything is harmful. Use common sense.

When i ran nutrients in soil i would flush on the day i had 40%amber trichs usually depending on strain, Thats when i would cut it if i ran soil and no nutrients i always go 7 days LONGER than needed when i use nutrient solution in a soil grow because the last 7 days is a flush. The soil gets BLASTED with water double the amount the container can hold. If its a five gallon container i hit it with ten gallons to push all the water soluble nutrients out of the soil. Any insoluble nutrients should have been broken down already by the plant. Then i dont water any more. Soil dries out completely in 7 days and i cut. I dont see how thats affecting how large my nugs and how big my yeild is, because if i was hitting it with nutrients then it would be a total waste of time effort and money only to make my buds taste like whatever chemical i was using.
plain and simple..... if your flushing instead of fertilizing your wasting potential growth..
i will NEVER take any of your advice literally for i believe you are giving BOGUS advice to the OP...

by the way.... ash of all kinds are grey... not white...
go burn some paper.. or some wood... or some CURED WEED..... and you get Grey ash :hump:


Well-Known Member
Flush it....unless they've been ready for two weeks two or three more days will NOT hurt..but not.flushing might be inhale but you will die on the exhale....flush it now


Well-Known Member
Are the trichs turning amber?

I have not noticed a difference flushing versus not flushing. If you feel they'll be overripe if they go longer (8 weeks doesn't seem very long) run a lot of water thru them today if it makes you feel better, and harvest tomorrow


Active Member
about a paragraph or two down..the man Ed Rosenthal himself (Speeding Up The Flushing Process

Remove some of the fan leaves 14 days before harvest. It helps speed up the flushing process and or makes flushing unnecessary (Homemadepot, 03.13.2002).

many reputable and famous cultivators such as ED Rosenthal, agree with the proper drying and curing technique over a flush...
so you can go and create an argument with ED~!


Well-Known Member
plain and simple..... if your flushing instead of fertilizing your wasting potential growth..
i will NEVER take any of your advice literally for i believe you are giving BOGUS advice to the OP...

by the way.... ash of all kinds are grey... not white...
go burn some paper.. or some wood... or some CURED WEED..... and you get Grey ash :hump:

Unfortunate for you, and sadly, you are wrong as well as being unfortunate that you do not make it so that you have the best quality bud possible :3~ the fact that you just said "all ash is grey" makes you look stupid on account many many maaaaany people know about the white (flushed perfectly) ash smoke reports/experience compared to the unflushed black & grey ashes (alright to bad flushed) which yes result in a usually uncomfortable smoke. Gross some even call it.

2-4 week flush is what will give you a bomb smoke :3 learn it or don't grow.

El Superbeasto

Active Member
How long have you been growing? Based on your thread here: doesn't seem long at all. New grower...

I have been growing since 1992. And I do not flush. Ever. And my buds are fine, and burn great, BECAUSE I DRY AND CURE THEM PROPERLY. Nutes are not stored in the buds, that is basic horticulture knowledge. Different colored ash will result from improper drying or curing, as well a "disgusting" flavor at times.

As far as your statement of
2-4 week flush is what will give you a bomb smoke :3 learn it or don't grow.
well, sounds like you have some learning to do yourself and maybe you shouldn't grow until you learned how.

Unfortunate for you, and sadly, you are wrong as well as being unfortunate that you do not make it so that you have the best quality bud possible :3~ the fact that you just said "all ash is grey" makes you look stupid on account many many maaaaany people know about the white (flushed perfectly) ash smoke reports/experience compared to the unflushed black & grey ashes (alright to bad flushed) which yes result in a usually uncomfortable smoke. Gross some even call it.

2-4 week flush is what will give you a bomb smoke :3 learn it or don't grow.