To kill or not to kill...

I planted 4 seeds after germ'ing them, they sprouted on Jan 29th. Two plants grew from 1 seed, I thought this was pretty cool and it was doing better than 2 of the 4. I kept it and the best of them all.

Grown in soil
Watered every 2 to 4 days whenever the pot felt light.

This is day 38 and all growth seems to have completely stopped. Should I just kill her now and focus on the 1 plant?

First three pictures are the girl on death row. The last one is the best of the three... Keep in mind this is my first grow, any advice would be great. Check out my grow in my sig.



Well-Known Member
hey man i dont have no exp wit a siamese plant like that but looks like she cood use sum N. are u fertilizing yet?
hey man i dont have no exp wit a siamese plant like that but looks like she cood use sum N. are u fertilizing yet?
Yeah I use a MG powder and Superthrive added to the water every other watering. I can up the amount and see if it helps. I've read that just about every newb will overfeed and overwater, maybe I'm being too cautious.


Well-Known Member
kill off the worst twin and the other one should start to come back. also your plants look hungry, what have you been feeding them?


Active Member
These plants are far from dead.....they can be saved. Looks like moisture stress imo....too much water?
good luck.


Well-Known Member
Those can absolutely be saved. Looks like you've overwatered them a bit, and they seem to be a bit light-starved. They're nice and bushy for being as short as they look,but I'd say get some better, or ccloser lighting on them, hold off on the watering for a few and they'll bounce right back. Get rid of the Miracle Grow too, and get something decent. I'm basically not a fan of nutes, although I do use a few, but it's basically soil, light, and water for me and things seem to go fine. There are far more advanced growers than me here who will give you more info, just in my experience with my plants, yours seem to want more light and a little less to drink, at least till they recover.