to LST or not to LST.. that is somewhat of a question...


Well-Known Member
i have two jack herrer babies bout 3 weeks old that i started LSTing about 1 week ago.. they are starting off pretty decently, but they r in the same pot (stupid i know but i didnt really have space for 2 pots)... they are on their 5th and 6th nodes, very thick tight leaves, under a 150 watt hps..
basic question is: --since they are both in one pot, tying them down is already becomming somewhat of a pain in the ass, they dont have much of a crazy bend to them as of yet, and i was just wondering about a few opinions.. keep em in lst and go for it, or untie them, let em pop up and reach for the stars?

and if i let em go up should i top the shit outta them so it actually forms one nice bush?


Well-Known Member
haven't dealt with the 2 plant in 1 pot problem
my suggestion is what i used to do outdoors
cut down the smaller one
it's a hard thing to do, but i think the 2 plant situation will not be good


Well-Known Member
i know, i will just wait until pre-flowers.. if balls, then they get chopped.... if just one has balls, just that gets chopped.. i believe i will be okay as far as root rot goes, and pollenation wont b a problem, i will fix way before that happens.

but as far as the actual question of my thread... anybody?


Well-Known Member
I would always LST, there are only benefits when you train your plant. Have a look at my WW grow in my sig.

Don't top either. Fimming is a far more beneficial method.


Well-Known Member
wow.. that ww grow looks pretty nuts.. so what actually is fimming? fuck i missed i kno lol but i mean, compared to topping, what is it? topping is taking off the new node growth completely, to fim is to cut it like half way down the newly growing set of leafs?


Well-Known Member
I don't know if LST would be good since there are two plants in the same pot. It is definately the way to go with one plant, but i think one is bushy enough. If you did LST on both, it would get a little too bushy. Maybe if you tied them down in opposite directions so the bottom shoots get plenty of light, then untie them whenever it gets to be too much....or maybe by that time, the preflowers will have shown and you can just continue to LST 1, assuming you have 1 female.


Active Member
wow.. that ww grow looks pretty nuts.. so what actually is fimming? fuck i missed i kno lol but i mean, compared to topping, what is it? topping is taking off the new node growth completely, to fim is to cut it like half way down the newly growing set of leafs?
I topped and am training my plant with the Lst method and I also topped .
I am getting great growth .
I have read many posts concerning this matter and well I had to try myself.
I will be going into flowering stage in about 2 weeks.
I can't tell you if you yield more or not ...but I suggest Uncle Bens Topping method.
With Uncle Bens method you WILL get 4 fat thick colas if you read and study his whole thread...Hope this can check out my grow if you like and add me as a contact:peace: ...I will try to help as much as I can


Well-Known Member
um. why would they both die for no reason bro? lol, they have plenty of room, and if a transplant into a 20 gallon tote is necessary, it will b done. u do know that plants can grow next to other plants outside without dying right? well, kinda the same case here...


Well-Known Member
um. why would they both die for no reason bro? lol, they have plenty of room, and if a transplant into a 20 gallon tote is necessary, it will b done. u do know that plants can grow next to other plants outside without dying right? well, kinda the same case here...
How big is the pot you have it planted in? They could both die if the roots fill up the pot and have no more room to grow. Plants can grow next to each other outside because the roots aren't confined to such a small space.


Well-Known Member
are we serious here? the plant wont die if it runs out of room to grow. it will just stop growing.. i have grown from a shotglass to a 5 gallon bucket, and um my shotglass grow didnt fail bro, when a plant runs out of room it just doesnt get any bigger.. lol, ive had two plants in a half a gallon pot for a whole grow and they dont die..

r u guys retarded or am i just f'in crazy?


Well-Known Member
To train or not to train? You would train your dog, you would train your kid, why not train your plant. Training implies that you are teaching something to be better at what it does.

Contrary to popular belief evolution does not lead your cannabis plant to have the highest yield of sensimillia possible. It is designed by nature to out compete other plants in its area in order to make its genes more prevelent. By taking that natural vigor to outgrow all other plants in the near area and using it to extend the horizontal axis of the plant you are exposing it to more light per amount of leaf/plant. More light means faster growth, more light means bigger buds.


Plants can grow in the same bucket in soil. Plants however compete with each other and this would cause added stress. We are finding that plants do communicate to a certain degree and are generally going to compete/inhibit with plants not of a similar seed batch. Pheromone communication was recently discovered to happen in the root mass, so if the girls are different girls then you are introducing another stress factor by keeping them in the same bucket.


Well-Known Member
To train or not to train? You would train your dog, you would train your kid, why not train your plant. Training implies that you are teaching something to be better at what it does.

Contrary to popular belief evolution does not lead your cannabis plant to have the highest yield of sensimillia possible. It is designed by nature to out compete other plants in its area in order to make its genes more prevelent. By taking that natural vigor to outgrow all other plants in the near area and using it to extend the horizontal axis of the plant you are exposing it to more light per amount of leaf/plant. More light means faster growth, more light means bigger buds.


Plants can grow in the same bucket in soil. Plants however compete with each other and this would cause added stress. We are finding that plants do communicate to a certain degree and are generally going to compete/inhibit with plants not of a similar seed batch. Pheromone communication was recently discovered to happen in the root mass, so if the girls are different girls then you are introducing another stress factor by keeping them in the same bucket.

very nice indeed, i can +rep to that..
and yes i know crossing strains could lead to stressing ur plants... possibly that is..

but they are of the same breed from the same bud.

they wont kill each other lol, they can compete all they want, once they r out of room, they r out of room and the competition stops.. then they go into flower, and the fact that they dont have even more room to expand during flower just stunts the growth of the plant.


Well-Known Member
Sure you can keep a plant alive in less then optimal conditions pretty easy most of the time. Once the medium is colonized it isn't going to stop the plant from living, just put severe restrictions on it.

I am pretty sure this would harm your yield vs putting your plants into flower about half way before they expend their ability to colonize new soil area.

I once had a mother plant in a one gallon bag for about two months no big deal. I transplanted a while ago and put her into flower, I am expecting a good 5-6 ounces off that plant indoors.