To move or not to move.


Well-Known Member
One of my plants In The ground isn't getting near as much sun as I thought it would. It's sayed much smaller then the others and is LST down pretty good, it's maybe 12" tall and 20"wide. Would you reccomend after it being in the ground for a month to transplant it into a smart pot and set in a place with plentiful sun?

Risk vs reward


Well-Known Member
If I get a couple more yes's I'll dig it up and put it into a smart pot and set it in full sun and see how it does, it's an experiment I guess. I'm learning so it will be a good lesson


yes!, i did the same thing yesterday, dug up a plant i had put out in a field (where it turned out to be quite shady and super dry bad soil i discovered)
now the day after, i think plant already looks a bit perkier in its new pot. (a nice big container)
go for it!, just be super careful and everything will be fine, good luck


Well-Known Member
do it now. give it time to recover and make sure you dig a large hole and keep as much roots as you can


Well-Known Member
Can't beleive what transplanting this plant has done, it looks better within 24 hours of transplant than it ever has, just not getting enough sun.