To Much Stress?


Posting From The East Coast. Its Hot And Humid. This is my First Outdoor grow. I was out with my Pretty Lady 4.5Ft tall. just last week I start LST, Bending some of the higher branches over breaking the inside and leaving the outside undamaged. 3 weeks ago I removed a lower branch and cloned it. The Clone Is Fine. My biggest fear happened today. I tied down some branched to pull them lower down to make them grow upwards bending towards the Sun. well I tripped on the line ripping a lower branch right off, striping some of the main stem in the process. Is this to much stress? I ended up Just CLONING the broken branch.

Should I be Concerned

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one time while i was in flower i had a plant that i topped so it had 2 main colas, well one day i walked in to find that she split in two all the way down the stem from where it was topped, i freaked out and grabbed the first thing i could which was rope, and i tied it back together as tight as i could and it worked. I guess what im trying to say is, if you would have seen that plant split in two, you would have a whole new outlook on stress, still got 10oz off her


Thanks for the reinsurance. I have been watching her all day Worried, I put a little honey on the stripped part, to soon to tell what is going to happen. I'm not sure if the Clone will even make it, Its been so hot here, when the branch broke off it instantly wilted. I split the clones stem instantly and put some TakeRoot on it then put it into a 5 gallon bucket with my Homemade soil. I'm a real noob at Growing. So any advice will be appreciated. Should I add Pictures Of My Babies? I have a few Leafhoppers but they do not seem to be bothering my plants just yet. I read they are good because they eat Aphids.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't have added honey to a wound because the sweet smell attracts pests to the wound and possibly diseases. Other than that you have nothing really to worry about. You can actually bend the top completely over and bury it and within a week or two the top will be growing roots. Its really hard to kill a healthy weed!!