To noobs using fox farm


Active Member
I am as much as a noob too, so i just wanted to share my first shitty grow and what i did wrong,thanks to RIU and good helpful people im pretty sure i got this under control.So heres my story found a seed in some purple kush and decided to try to grow it,got some organic soil, along with fox farm line up.Now you tube only gives you enough info to get by for a while.I used a 250 watt 15k metal halide (old salt water light)with to 6500 cfl.Now i used ro for water didnt check the ph nor did i check ph after addind nutes,i didnt add any Ca or Mg,no ec meter. Went 1/4 -1/2 strength on nutes and followed the schedule.If you using fox farm now and want to know what im doing now(dont have pics yet but i got some bagseed growing right now and it is taking off )im glad to help.I think i had every defficiency.


Well-Known Member
fox farm soils tend to compact as they get old. Ive seen symptoms similar to this with other ff users. The soil doesnt airate properly. Add perilite next time around..


Well-Known Member
Also good nutes are one of the best possible things you can do for your plants.. Buy only organic and you will girastically reduce your problems...


Well-Known Member
the bud looks good but ur def. showing tons of well as some burns it looks like.


Active Member
the smoke was knock out hands down,i was only abel to check on it once every 2 weeks so i had someone watering it for me every so often,boy did she stink
Ive been using fox farm since i started. SOil and additive nutrients and you need CalMag by botanicare. You see, calcium maganese and iron are all inter realted so if youre low on one, youre low on all. You should also try bottom feeding so you dont over water and clipping some of those bigger fan leaves that are built up in the middle. I know the plant looks really cool when its a fat bush, but if your leaves are stacking so much on the inside then they dont get the light b/c of shadows from other leaves and you need more air circulating inside the area of the plant. It may have also been too cold depending on where you live. Sorry to tear your plant up. But you mustve been doing something right to get it this big. Hope this helps!

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
A little bit confused by this whole thread. First of all you didn't state what nutes you used so I am left to assume you were using Ocean Forest, grow big,big bloom and tigerbloom. If not that could be one of the reasons you had deficiencies. Also your using R/O water and everybody states you need to add cal mag so you don't have definciencies from that. Lastly even though you use R/O water you still need to check the PH of the water and probably bring the PH up or there will most likely be some nutrient lockout. If you want to help people using the FF lineup, you need to go into more detail. What did you use, how much did you use, what do you think you should have added or left out, just general information about your grow and how you could have improved it, otherwise you sound like your just bashing FF and I really don't think that's what your trying to do here. And honestly, your plant looks very good just a little underfertilized and your yeild probably suffered, but I bet it smokes nice and smooth:) plus rep nice looking plant.


Active Member
i got almost an oz dried,i got everything i need now i didnt fuck around this time,got blue rhino,white russian,fruit automatic seeds,hortilux 400 watt MH and high pressure sodium,and got a new grow room


Well-Known Member
i got almost an oz dried,i got everything i need now i didnt fuck around this time,got blue rhino,white russian,fruit automatic seeds,hortilux 400 watt MH and high pressure sodium,and got a new grow room
nice you're working with the same lights as me... I use 4 different kinds of nutes. FF BB, Botanicare's entire line, Earth Juice (good shit, litterally, there "Grow" is actually shit in a bottle, they also use ingredients from the sea, ect.) And on the rare occasion my plants really need some strong shit i pull out the MG


Well-Known Member
fox farm soils tend to compact as they get old. Ive seen symptoms similar to this with other ff users. The soil doesnt airate properly. Add perilite next time around..
Yea I don't care what soil you use you need to ad a 1/3 perlite. I only use ff of and that shit works great! There are so many other things that can fuck your plants up besides soil.