To people saying they cant get weed....


Well-Known Member
Learn from me [and probaly others]

i've seen a couple of thread's about people going out of town and not able to get any weed..or there dealer went missing or whatever your problem is

So i was out in my yard something a cig,when i saw a truck parked at the park

[lol parked at the park]

i was 99% sure they were about to i made my way down there,when one of the guys in the truck did the "polite" thing to do

Guy:whats up
Me: nm
Guy: yea same,bored
*short silence*
Guy:do you have a bong?
Me: na mine just shatterd
Guy: oh..that sucks
Me: but i have some papers..if you are about to throw down
*guy smiles*

so i go back to my house get the papers..and we smoke three blunts

never knew the guy..or ever even talked to him before


btw,if anyone else has similar stories,feel free to post


Active Member
Haha, badass.

This summer i was sitting at work. I go to take a smoke break, i don't smoke cigarettes but my co-worker did and i was just shootin the bull with him for a minute. We step outside and see this car with two guys just chillin in the parkin lot. I was like, I know what there doing, watch this. I walk over there and at first they are trippin out thinkin i was gonna call the cops. After about 10 seconds of talkin to them, they kindly offered me a bong hit, yes sirree. I felt good going back into work.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
oh yea I know your probly refering to me =P j/k.

I've had some lucky incounters too.

was going into the store up where I live now some kids wanted me to buy the some Beam, came back out and asked them if they had some bud they kindly sold me a few grams.

was about 15 or 16 and was walking to the store one time I think i was out and ma dealer was dry or something. this truck rolls up and is like hey wanna buy a dime, without me even opening my mouth. this same story happened a few occasions before with differnt people.

had a job as a room service busboy for a hotel, found half a joint on one of the trays.

can't think of anymore atm...


Well-Known Member
this one time me n my girl went to walmart and of course that day we couldnt find any weed what so ever we are walking threw wal-mart and we saw these three kids walkin around too and i just noticed how blood shot there eyes were and i was thinkin to myself "man it sure would be nice to have some bud" we are gettin ready to leave and i just unlocked the doors to the car and looked infront of us and there they were gettin into their car i pulled up beside them and was like "hey you guys look pretty blazed you wouldnt be able to help a fellow smoker out with a 10"...and the kid that was drivin was like "son its your lucky day i gotta get rid of alot but you gotta get in n smoke with us first so we kno ur cool" the end we got a quater of some stinky dank buds for $60.00.

this other time me n the girl went to N.C. and was crusing down the outer banx strip and some kid was kind enough to pull up beside us, while crusing down the rode n asked if we needed any buds.....didnt get any cause i had taken a half ounce down and didnt wanna drive with anymore bud back north for almost 10 hours....but i regret not gettin any cause i kno that N.C. shit has to be pretty decent


Well-Known Member
Damn i wish i gad that kind of luck!!!! I have never gotten any weed by accident except when i was younger and went to a lot of parties. back then if you were at a party and you weren't firing one up then someone would slap a joint in your hand and ask why you aren't you smokin? now i'm not worried about getting lucky cause i got me a pretty lady full of flowers sittin in my closet;) toke it up ya'll. Peace


Well-Known Member
i've been smoked out by most smokers i know. and i smoke out anybody who's joining the session. :blsmoke:

it's better to blaze with somebody then by yourself! :peace:


Active Member
Not really an epic story, but I was out walking this day. I stop at a crosswalk and light a cigarette. Homeboy just walks up to me and says "Hey, you wanna buy some weed?"

I guess something about me just screams I smoke the ganja.


Well-Known Member
i've been smoked out by most smokers i know. and i smoke out anybody who's joining the session. :blsmoke:

it's better to blaze with somebody then by yourself! :peace:
dunno bout that, I think thers nothing better than a beer and smoke at the end of the day by myself while listening to some music. some of my stoner buddies were mooches and assholes.

o yea ther is always concerts, random joints are always passed around at those. I remeber one time asking if I could have a hit, and it was hand rolled ciggarete or a real cigar i was like WTF???:spew:.


Well-Known Member
lol man i like to cone on my own sometimes. gives me a chance to relax and think about shit


Well-Known Member
I forgot about this story

[i may have posted this..i cant remember]

Me and my freind ashley was walking into a foodlion when we spotted a dime bag

the weird thing was right at the door,and alot of people were passing it

So to be on the safe side i let her hit it first to make sure it wasnt posion or anything

[im such a gentleman]


Well-Known Member
just another story.. last summer me and a buddy walked into a convenience store to buy some crappy knockoff cigars for blunts.. walk out with the pack in hand and see some people about our age givin us a weird eye.. we walked over..

'what are the cigars for' one of the girls says..

'need somethin for the chronic' replies my buddy

'thats cool, u wanna join us? we dont have a lighter but have some bud..' she says..

so we toured around the beach smokin their pot for a few hours.. had a blast.. i've never really had a problem findin other people with dope when/if i get dry, just have to know who to approach..

and honestly, how many pot smokers do u know that wouldnt share their doobie if some stranger asked politely?? (granting he/she didn't look like an axe-murderer) :peace:


Active Member
I was at my dad's house one day with three of my smoking buddies and although my dad wasn't home one of his friends was there and we got to drinking then before i knew it i was in my dads living room smoking a blunt with my dads best friend