If that happened.... Canada would just become USA North......'Our invasion may be slowed due to the usual congestion at the border crossings, but if we time our attack mid-week, traffic on the Ambassador Bridge should be manageable. And, of course, we have our secret weapon—the Canadian fifth column of actors and athletes. Justin Bieber and Nickelback have already done more to dull American senses than even the most sophisticated propaganda or psy-ops campaign could ever achieve.'
It is satire. Actually kind of funny.TTY has posted some really stupid shit. This isn't one of them. It's satire.
why am I not surprised that you don't get it.Somehow, I just don't feel threatened by the possibility of this.
You didn't read the article.What a shitty fucking not-smart thread?
Not official, not therad.
Would not read again.
Ding ding!TTY has posted some really stupid shit. This isn't one of them. It's satire.
So you admit to regularly posting "some stupid shit"?Ding ding!
Just checking to see who can actually follow a link.
The results have spoken for themselves.
You have to admit that Justin Bieber is a powerful weapon in their psy op arsenal.
'Heartland' States first. The coasts will support you if you do that and save you a lot of trouble.*whispers*
Invade the USA, save the world.
The spam just showed up.Canadian Bacon or Spam? I think it's Spam.
I question the corruption of both parties. You seem to have a problem with that.how about americans who care don't fuck around and vote for who could keep evil out of office.
you got shit for credibility...