to spray or not to spray?? please help!


Well-Known Member
hey im a first time grower and i was just wondering if i should spray my plants down with a mist of water they are 25 days old and im using a 400w hps light thats about 18inchs away from leaves are a little yellow and crispy and they seem to be curling under and alittle mishaped i was just wondering when i water them with a water fert mix should i let some come out the bottom of pots to drain and also should i spray my plants down once and a while to keep them cool and moist??



Active Member
imo i think you should move your light away from your plant. if it is burning your leaves then it prob to close. do you have a fan going

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
At this stage I use a little Thrive Alive B1 for a foliar spray and start giving them nutes ti half doses.


Well-Known Member
i dont think they are buring i was just wondering if it would hurt them to spray them down with a light mist of water??


Well-Known Member
You can mist your plant But be sure to mist when turning off lights, hps + misting = burnt leaves

Droplets of water act like magnifying glasses on your leaves. Mist underneath the leaves :)

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
You can mist your plant But be sure to mist when turning off lights, hps + misting = burnt leaves

Droplets of water act like magnifying glasses on your leaves. Mist underneath the leaves :)
Yeah, that's why you use a wetting agent. I use a teaspoon of regular dawn dish liquid per gallon of foliar spray and have never even one burned spot. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
really they are going to die??? no way! spray your plants with dish tetergent water?? so if my plants are going to die now i guess i should start germinating new seeds?

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
Foliar spray is what you spray your foliage (leaves) with, and I make it myself. I use my Mater A & B at about 2ml per liter and add about the same amount of regular Dawn dish detergent as a wetting agent. Don't use the lemon scented stuff because it can damage your leaves. What the detergent does is to keep the water from beading up on your leaves and causing little burned spots. It's a pretty widely used trick, check it out.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
No, they aren't going to die! Even if they got burned a little, it wouldn't kill them. It's just not ideal to be burning your leaves, you know.


Well-Known Member
yah man thanks eh..but do my plants even look like im going to get some bud..its my first time and im so jacked but i just dont know if it going to seeds are big bang and they are feminized seeds so they wil be female i just dont know if im doing everything ok to get like atleast an ounce of each plant when everyone experienced gets atleast 1/2 pound a leaves are really curling under alot..i waterd them with 1/4 fert mix and i let some drain out the bottom now im not going to water for a while to see if they get bigger cuz it seems like they arnt growing much right now..if you want more pics to see let me know but i have pics at the start of the thread and thats pretty much how they look now maybe a little taller but nothing much..the leaves at the stem crossed are starting to grow bigger but it doesnt seem like the actual plant is growing but i think thats cuz i just transplanted it and jsut fed it today so it probobly will be bigger in the next couple days..what do you think man it seems like you know ur shit it my first so take a look at tell me what you think man thanks so much!

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
Ok, they are a little small for 25 days, but that's something that can be easily fixed. You just need to get them under more light and fast. Just go and get a few more cfl's and place them a few inches above the plant. They also need to be on a regular light schedule of at least 18 hrs a day, if you don't have a light timer this could be difficult.

It's about time that you started giving them some food, so get yourself some decent ferts, you could even use Miracle Grow if you can't get anything else. Just go easy on it, probably 1/2 strength to start with whatever ferts you choose.

As far as getting an ounce off your plant, that is totally possible if you start giving her what she needs asap, you seem to have some good genetics and that's a great place to start. But as far as getting 1/2 pound per plant, you would have to do an outdoor grow to get that kind of yield. An average indoor plant yield would be more on the 1 to 4 ounce range. So don't feel like you are a failure for not getting an unattainable harvest. You have to take what some people say on here with a grain of salt concerning their yields.

This is a good place to start, and should get you on the right track. And in the mean time, do some reading and research and by the time your ladies are ready to go into flowering, you'll know what to do. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
yah it does a bit man thanks alot..i have ferts already i have advace nutrients (organic iguana juice grow) i just fed them today now i will let them sit for a few days..i need more light?? i heard my 400w hps would be enought to grow like 10 plants..?? but i will get more i just not sure what cfls are and do they just plug into a regular outlet??. i already have a timer i just put them at 18/6 2 days ago..but thanks you so much for your help if you want to let me know wer i can get cfls and what they are that would be sweet..and i was just wondering will my plant eventually loose its ugly yellow curled leaves and have nice healthy looking ones once i get a few days into my feeding schedual.. and o yah the next time i water should it be ferts again or should i water then leave it for a couple day then fert or water twice then fert?? again thanks so much for your help looking forward to hearing what you got to say my friend..:)

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, I missed the part about the 400 watt system, but the HPS bulb isn't going to get you the vegatative growth that a MH bulb would. So adding a few cfls will increase the blue light spectrum which promotes veg growth. Or you could drop a few extra bucks and get a MH conversion bulb, either way will dramatically increase the growth rate of our plants. The red/orange spectrum of the HPS is great for flowering, but not so hot for veg. I have a few of those cheap shop lights hanging in my grow room with 100 watt cfls in them, In addition to rounding out the light spectrum, it ups the lumens as well which is always good.

I will usually give them ferts once a week and gradually up the dosage until it's where I want it. Your plants will let you know if you give them too much. So, yes, once you get things sorted out, your plants will look so good you won't believe it.

This growing this just takes a bit a practice and a bit of research. After a grow or two, it will be like second nature and you'll never have to smoke crappy weed again. Because what you grow will always be better than what you buy on the street.

But don't forget that after you harvest your crop, that it takes a proper curing to be all that it can be. And that is another subject completely.


Well-Known Member
yah i want to get some cfls to hang above the plants but im not the smartest person on hooking up the wires unless its completly hooked up..i have 2 4ft agrosuns florecent grow bulbs that i was using before but i swaped them for the u think it will still work and grow me some nice bud like u were saying if i just keep using the hps light right now and when it flowering or do i have to get some i just got my own place a while back so im kinda tight for cash so this is another way to make money and also to get some good weed so i dont have to waste money on bunk shit..and also growing weed to me is an amazing yah back to the lights..will they still grow ok if i just use the hps right now?? and also now that i waterd today with a fert mix when should i water next???..also what can i do about the curly leaves man thats making me worry alot .. i just want them to look like nice healthy plants cuz i think of it as a living person if its not healthy its not happy and its hurting so i want to try and cure it so the leaves are nice and green and perky and also for my plant to acctually grow abit each day..but thanks so much again for helpin me out you are like the only person on this site that will read my shit and respond with a good helpfull answer man i apreciate it so much thanks!

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
No, those 2ft agroson bulbs will be perfect. And you can leave them up during flowering as well, it will more closely mimic the color signature of the sun than just a HPS bulb alone. If you don't ad some supplemental light in the blue spectrum, your plants will still grow and be healthy, but they will just grow at a slower rate. It will be best to wait until your plants are about a foot tall before triggering them into flower if you want a decent yield. When they go into flowering, the growth rate will increase because the HPS is the correct color spectrum for flowering.

As far as watering, there are two things that I go by. The first is that I put my finger about 2-3 inches deep in the soil. If it feels dry its time for a drink. The other is I lift the pots to feel the weight. If you pick them up just after watering, they will obviously be much heavier than when they are dry. After a couple of week you'll get a good feel for this. Some people wait until the the plant wilts, but I don't recommend waiting that long as it puts unnecessary stress on the plants. But on the other side be sure not to over water as this will cause the roots to rot.

I only feed the plants once a week, more than that is really not needed. Too much ferts can burn your plant and give your weed a bad taste if not flushed out towards the end of flowering.t. I grow in 3 gallon pots, so I'll run 5 gallons of plain water through each pot a couple times a week for a last 2 weeks. This flushes out all of the accumulated nutrient salts in the soil and sends fresh water through your plants flushing out all the toxins that give weed that harsh flavor, and this also makes your weed burn better as well.

As far as the leaves, once you get things in order, you'll have new growth. The damaged leaves may not recover, but that is not an issue.

Feel free to ask as many questions as you need to. That's what this forum is for. For us to teach you and for you to pass it on to someone else.


Well-Known Member
ok good so i think i might just leave my hps like it is and just wait for it to grow..just one or two more things.. how can i get my leaves to stop curling under like that and i see people have all this expensive all i have is that light and a fan to keep it cool and air i need to get all that other i dont want to be cheap but im realy strapped for cash..and now that my plants are 25 days..once it hits 4 weeks people told me to go to 12/12 but also i heard wait till its atlest 10-12 inchs tall mine right now is 6-7 inchs.. and my strain is a 8-9 weeker. so once i swith to 12/12 and my plant is like 12inchs will it start to grow alot faster and get way taller and way bushier then cuz like i said right now its kinda just chillen maybe getting a little bigger but nothing much..and would it be good to also put my flourecents back up lower or just leave my hps and thats it??