To toil for soil or not?


Active Member
OK, here's the situation. I have some seedlings that are taking off much faster than I expected. Some of the roots have penetrated the bottom of the containers and are growing down the tray, a couple are a foot long! They are starting to tangle with each other and need some room to grow. Unfortunately, the local natural gardening store is closed until after new year's and my choices are
1) buy some soil from home depot (the selection pretty much sucks, MG or other crap)
2) wait a few days for the natural store to open (the roots are already becoming intertwined, not sure how much longer I want to wait to pull them apart)
or 3) Harvest some soil from an old garden plot on my property; The previous owner said her mom took a lot of time in the garden and used no pesticides. The garden is on the bank of a river, so the soil is pretty black and loamy. I am just unsure bout the nutrient content and don't want to unbalance my plants, since I already have them on Fox Farm Grow-big.

Should I just go out there with a wheelbarrow and scoop some up? What say you?


Well-Known Member
Wait a few days for the natural store.

Outside dirt should be kept outside, you could bring in a raft of problems that are kept in a natural balance outside.

A few days won't hurt anything.



Well-Known Member
as wet said i wouldnt suggest outside soil either, but sometimes home depot soil is no better.

maybe the outside soil and bake it in the over? this is going to kill any micro organisms tho that can be benificial. can always deal with a couple of pesky bugs.


Active Member
You'd likely be fine using the soils available at home depot or the like. Just make sure to add a little sand and perlite to the mixture and make sure whichever soil you choose doesn't contain time-release nutrients. Any old potting soil will do just fine. Also check the soil's PH and avoid those with high amounts of clay.


Active Member
Thanks for the input guys. I ended up going out and digging up a few bags out of the garden anyways, it turned out to be the richest, dark brown, rock-less mix. Chocolate brown and full of worms! I shook it through a screen filter and I am going to plant the couple that are most in need of more space and see what happens... If it works, I have about a half-acre of the stuff!